*SCAM ALERT* neoHUB Group Buy (Same as loaded motor but sensored)

If the entire solar system wasn’t on lockdown I’d be in HK around now for electronics fair.
Could’ve visited jeffs factory in shenzhen as it’s not that far. Would’ve confirmed identity.

I’m conflicted what to belive. Is the people behind jedboard really this creative to come up with such a scheme? They had me fooled to belive they were simpletons.


I don’t think identity is the issue. We have all read the differing english posts. One post ESL and the next english first language. We are probably dealing with Jeff Wu. The owner or manager of the shenzen factory but what is not clear is what his relationship is with a known scam artist. Just to be clear for all you guys waiting for gear, its highly probable that it will arrive as Captain Dick was delivering Boas way after ripping off multiple Jedboard customers.

Its a cut throat world we live in when someone who owes a big chunk of change can invest in wheel production and profit from it while leaving his backers up the swanny.

Sadly its not the first instance and it won’t be the last but I for one am pretty fucking fed up with it. I hear @Psychotiller has invested in a new truck design…

Sad but true.


… he more likely got payed to accept that truck design :joy:

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I quite like it actually. I don’t know why tho…

Over tired I think.

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wait whats this new truck design or is this a joke?

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Is this really how this thread ends? Just speculation and waiting to see if parts are delivered? I mean I’ve ordered a couple neoboxes, and I’m not going to chargeback based on hearsay. I also feel bad for Jeff if this is all wrong, I honestly have zero idea and do not want to accuse. But at this point no one has the ability to answer with 100% certainty within this thread. Can we have something done by a mod or an admin to squash or confirm this accusation? It can’t be impossible to follow up and clarify this story one way or the other and step in to address the situation. I’m feeling uneasy about my neobox purchase at the moment and would like some further clarity so I can make an informed decision.


My hubs originally showed an estimated delivery date of 4/22 - now it just shows this :thinking: I probably wouldn’t be concerned if it wasn’t for this situation… But I’m a bit concerned. I really hope they show up :joy:

Out of interest let’s say this guy is Jed boards then so what if he is still delivering products now And is still getting high quality stuff to people then so what

Also @jeffwuneo is there some way you could convince everybody that you are actually who you claim to Be just to get rid of these accusations


@Halbj613 its like saying if jason potter were to start making focox copies under a new name/persona. Then you found out… would you still trust him? Fuck no.

Im not gonna take a side here… this could go either way. But @jeffwuneo best just shut this down and show yourself. The longer this drags out, the worse this will get. Everyone here smokes way too much pot and we spook easily (unfortunately from being burnt too many times)


If Jason was found out to be under a different name this time selling unities and getting them to me on time then I wouldn’t have any major problem

Guess I got lucky and have never really been burnt before

you would support someone who screwed over so many people? :thinking:


Obviously considering he made up for screwing over everyone first

Has he?


K obviously if these allegations were proven then he would have to pay off his debt and then carry on selling but I wouldn’t have problem with him selling after if he can prove he can deliver

This is just world craziness, nothing to worry about

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Stop trying to make this thread even more of a shit show :man_facepalming:


The cards will fall where they fall :man_shrugging:

Just remember, some of the most hated thieves and non-deliverers in the esk8 community still delivered plenty of fine shit early on. I have 2 batteries from hyperion and 2 unities that I bought VERY EARLY IN THEIR RELEASES.

Everything is fine until it isn’t :upside_down_face:


My hubs were stuck in HK but today moved to JP. Fedex says eta 3 days.

I love drama but my gut says Jeff in Jeff, and I feel bad. But there’s definitely some cause for concern!


“in dubio pro reo” i’d say. And in case this is all bullshit and Jeff innocent (apart from posting the paypal info, which was not the smartest move I have to admit) : How must it feel for someone who did a lot over the past months, in this special case he allegedly even pays much more than usual due to Corona (which I believe) if it comes prematurely to paypal dispute/refund out of nothing? I’d be angry and disappointed for sure. Just my two scents.