Use a BMS like @mutantbass is suggesting.
Ok, last question. If you got worrying parents like me you would understand so to make them sleep soundly tonight and worrying about me killing my self, is this safe to do
DUDE, how old are you?
19 lmao. But like my parents say. “When your living under my roof, your my priority, even if your an adult
Do you have a garage?
Yes I do
OK great. The most important thing here is the Bluetooth BMS. If you can monitor your voltages, there should be no fuck ups. You need to post as many photos as you can along the way so people here can double check everything over.
If they are really strict, leave the board in the garage.
Oh no, I’ve made a whole rack that’s in my room that I got boards on
also lipo bags probably wouldn’t be a bad idea @Red_souls ? for storage before the board is built/if it needs to be left for a while/someone goes on holidays or whatever
What does the bags do?
and @mutantbass if you feel like answering more lipo noob questions I left a couple over in the replies to pictures thread
:joy They are supposed to help incase of a battery fire but really not needed. Dont do anything stupid and you will be fine. All battery fires I have read about come down to user error. They don’t just spontaneously combust. Otherwise, we would hear about these warehouses with thousands of batteries in them catching fire.
basically just flame retardant bags, it’s allegedly best practice to charge them in the bags because charging is when an issue might turn into a fire, and to store them there for medium-longterm if they’re not in use
Isn’t that what the BMS does, has a limit on battery charge so they don’t overheat?
yeah the issue is more if you fuck up a battery in use, don’t realise, and then charge it it can let the magic smoke out. But as I said, lipo noob so I’ll defer to them probably not being necessary
Over charge I mean
yeah a BMS prevents you from causing an electrical problem (most of the time anyway) by controlling the electrical conditions like charge and discharge levels. If you don’t overcharge or short the terminals you’re probably not gonna start a fire. A flame retardant bag is a safety measure in case all that doesn’t work and a fire does start regardless, it contains it better and makes it less catastrophic.
But would make it overheat faster cuz it’s incased
You wont have room in your encosure anyways.
technically yes but charging doesn’t generate dangerous levels of heat unless you’ve already done something very wrong. Like a difference between 25C and 30C isn’t gonna kill the pack