Nano16s super tiny configurable BMS

why do you need it not balancing


Got it, wont cheap out on wires, for the 27$ version it doesnt come with app, but planning to do a pro version soon


it will be coated in Urethane, so it has some basic weather proof


what about a tiny screen that has a chip in it and it shows voltages on the screen wirelessly


like something something on your keychain that tells group voltage


balancing Waste energy, creates unwanted heat, cells voltage goes up then down then after balance charging their same voltage again :smile:

I’d just like the option just to monitor each cell then any problems replace it.

Think for this application it’s safe not to balance, and if there is a fault, then you’ve lost your brakes :;(

if it doesn’t balance, what’s the point of BMS anyways lol


A charge only bms doesn’t have any influence on your brakes.


Exactly, think it’s better just to monitor voltages, as someone else said better to have a deck on fire :fire: with brakes, than a deck on fire without brakes :slight_smile:

Ok didn’t see it’s just a charge only

Not sure if you’re following here, or if I’m just so out of the loop that I’m not following your logic. If you’re bypassing (EG: Directly Connecting the Battery to the ESC) the BMS, there is no concern that the BMS would ever “disconnect” or “stop” current flow to the ESC.

Edit: you posted just as I posted :smiley:

Can you possibly code no balancing? I’d have one :wink:
think you are definitely onto something if its low cost also :wink:

if you write it in pctool the have the balance begin at 4.5v you should have no balance


Perfect can you put me down for one thank you.

Why the heck do you even want a BMS if it won’t even balance charge? What’s the point of it? There are plenty of super cheap BMS (I’m talking 5-7$) that will just stop charging when one cell is over 4,25V

Just get one of theses:

I can only say that none of the battery builders would advise such a super dumb BMS with no balancing capabilities


I have one of those already thats the one I use, like I said I just wanted to monitor each cell.

I’ve done at least 50 cycles and it stays very balanced check each cell when half voltage and they are very close what also helps is that I’ve got a 8p battery.

Lots of people just balance charge only no BMS :relaxed:.

I get the argument of not wanting a Bms to save space and make it more simple. But if you already have a balance capable bms installed I don’t see the reason to not use it over an external balance Charger.

It’s not really a BMS it says BMS but it’s not. It does no balancing it just balance charges. Like I said I was after something that monitors voltages and balance charges only

most BMS only balance when charging anyway.


This nano16s BMS balance charges only.
I think you don’t understand this properly.

This BMS balances the cells when charging. This is what most BMS’s do and it’s safe this way.

No balancing at all is bad. The BMS shuts off the charging when one cell is over 4,25V.
Over time your cells age and the difference in their internal resistance will unbalance them over time. When the BMS stops charging at 4,25V at one cell the others may only be at 4V for example. Then your pack won’t be fully charged.
This unbalance gets worse every cycle untill some of your p-groups are over discharged and won’t charge anymore