My integrated deck project continues | Test monkeys found

Ooooh the last one looks nice! How do we sign up?


I’m not the right person to be testing this but the AT deck looks pretty sweet


I’d be down to try one out. I have all the parts for an AT build and enough batteries to build 2 boards.

The only problem is they aren’t 18650s, they are the 20650s.


I skimmed. Where are you located? I’ll test.


Mega cool project, props to you sir. Did you consider CF?


Hey man, I’m interested in help breaking testing stuff :sweat_smile:

I actually have a complete setup that I’m about to dismantle and a new deck would be perfect!

Here’s the build thread. I haven’t updated it yet because despite having it working, I’ve opted to wait for a properly made enclosure.

I can test with Elofty DD or belt drives and can do from 90mm thane to 6" AT wheels. Plus texas roads are poop :sweat_smile:

Edit: I just realized there are supports within the enclosure cavity. Unfortunately, I only have access to NESE or complete prebuilt batteries so maybe I’m not the right candidate. The decks look amazing though! I’m currently eyeing the deck second from the right

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@tomiboi I have a build ready to go into a deck just need the deck and enclosure to finish it

In UK but I don’t mind paying shipping for it as long as it isn’t a ridiculous price


Awesome! especially that AT deck! i believe this is the first i have ever seen with a compartment for integrated electronics! would love to throw some batteries in there and a kaly drive on the back!

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What batteries have you got? These’ll require a bit of battery building to get them to work by the looks of it.


I would be down for testing one of these decks! Especially the AT deck! Looks amazing

I’m a big guy so would really put this to the test. I have everything needed to build straight into that deck

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I would be happy to test those, i’ve got all the hardware to make a street setup…but you’re quite far from home!
(I already been on testing boards, i’ve been alpha test rider for Mellow Board)


I unfortunately dont have the battery building skills to build one of these badboys. Id only be sticking a premade pack and that’s just no fun… I am interested in seeing the drop deck street deck tou have planned. Great work @tomiboi !!!


Damn. Current battery is like 85mm wide or I’d be all over that drop through…

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So got. A bunch of Samsung 35e cells which I would put into 10s3p nese modules and got right now a 10s2p battery but in double stack formation but in theory could do a bit of relaying out of the battery

Will nese fit?


This is art…and awesome… artsome?

Uh, I have 2 integrated decks ready to ride already… and a few more sitting ony my bench for future idea/spontaneus gotta-build-it-eruptions. But you know… an addict needs more and always happy to help, EU is a stretch for you tho I guess :man_shrugging:

I could compare it to:
Hyperbeast (lives)
MOV-E(both types) (one lives, one empty)
Neo deck (Soon to live when the neo hubs arrive)

2 DIY carbon/wood (currently empty)

Guess only upside is that its relativly easy to swap internals given somewhat same size :thinking:
I’m sure peeps in USA are a better fit tho :smiley:


Beautiful work @tomiboi. I would hop on this right now if I hadn’t have had to leave Denver bc of corona. If you have any left by the time I get back I’d be happy to test one. In the meantime, good luck! Every single one of those decks looks great.

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Wow… thanks guys :blush: 24 responses and no-one bent me over. I have worked hard on these and really appreciate the kind remarks.

I’m going to answer a few questions and then talk a little on the side with people that are interested in helping with testing.

First, I ship world-wide to anyone that will pay for the shipping. I wrap my boards in a thin layer of foam and mail them out in a tear resistant shipping bag. They are all under 10 lbs. Also, I’m quite adept at circumventing import fees.

@RyEnd 27.5 degrees. I thought about going all the way to thirty, but the deck is only 6 ply at the nose and tail, so it’s a bit flexy. This is definitely something that want feed-back about. It can be easily altered. Additionally, I know that people have been liking wider AT decks. Right now my bamboo stock is 10 1/2 inches wide and I can’t really make them wider than 10 inches, BUT my next batch of veneer will be 12 inches wide and I will be able to make decks that are 11 1/2 inch.

The compartment depth is 23.5 mm. It can accommodate any cell under that diameter. I can also make it deeper if that ends up being helpful. I get 1/16 inch of depth for every slice on veneer that I slap on.
These decks are definitely for custom battery makers. I really think that the spacers in the middle of the compartment are necessary to get the best feel and durability, but I’m toying with ways of making the spacers removable, so that pre-made packs could be used as well.

@Grozniy Of course :grin: I have the materials and plans for a bamboo/Balsa/CF rendition of these decks. One thing at a time :wink:


Dude you could 3d print the spacers. If you get them out to the community we can design the spacers and get them on thingiverse

That way depending on battery config you just download the spacer you need


Trust me when I say that is the coolest street deck I could imagine building in and I would absolutely ride the crap out of it… If it could fit 32650 lifepo4 cells since that’s all I’ve got around here. :sweat_smile: