I’m sure if you make a post you’ll find someone.
But i would get your board completely laid out first.
That way you can tape up a harness to fit. Then send that to whoever is gonna solder Connectors on.
I’d suggest to learn how to solder and this is a good time to practice connectors are cheap too so it’s okay to fuck up once or twice
This. I still suck at it. Especially on xt90. Bullets are easy. But i have a cheap soldering iron so…
ok haha i have a solder iron and everything i need i just need to practice i guess
same here i have a $15 chinese i bought off banggood
Check out Loopkey mounting. How do you do it?
For ideas.
If you need a mount for it printed hit up @yelnats8j ans his brother
Me too I always forget the cap/heatshrink and I always take many tries to get a clean solder. Cheap iron here too…
awesome thanks for the help
What’s funny is those aren’t even my photos they were just the cleanest loopkey photos I found when doing research for my first build.
ya thats the exact thing im looking for only a xt60 to the battery cuz mboard batteries are scuffed
just to update: im most likely going to be ordering parts today or tomorrow so another changes that you recommended would be greatly appreciated. Im going to do my best to keep this up to date with pics and everything that is coming in.