My Esk8s. A journal of sorts

2nd up.

The Vision.

Vision Old Ghost deck 30x10 modern concave.
12S3P 30Q with smart BMS.
Flipsky 5045 200kV motors.
BKB motor mounts.
BN 145 hanger in the back and caliber II 150 in the front.
80mm Kegels on 14/40 - geared to about 28Mph

and I almost forgot then most important part to this update. The enclosure.

Really all I did was get an enclosure made and everything slapped together for good on here.

I had the vision running a while back with the electronics just temporarily taped under.

Now it looks a smidge more legit.

I wanted a 3D printed enclosure like I have for the Dinghy and ATV Ditch life.
and my buddy at work even designed and printed one.

But it was too long.
The wheel base is really tight and I am working around a pre existing battery so I had to get into funny business.

since I will never have the patience to make a proper enclosure with fiberglass I proceeded to make a little shoe box out of Abs and duck tape…

this is barely smaller than the 3d printed enclosure…

So, yeah.
I was not gonna have enough room so I had to move the wheel base out one more time.

which called for new grip tape…

I sprayed my little Showbox with 2 whole cans of truck bed liner…

So then I had it all and just needed to slap parts together.

The enclosure is not really meant to hold any weight.

So the electronics are taped to the deck

I wrapped everything in shrink wrap.

that gets taped to the deck with 3M double tape and more gorilla tape.

It is a pretty tight squeeze but I think it is ok.
I have not had wheel bite while riding

I wanted to do a dual drive with the 145mm trucks.
I am ok with the 2 little motors.
But I also think a single 6374 would be better.
maybe even a single 6354…
But really the 2 tiny 5045s can move me pretty well.
They do seem to have a bit more rolling resistance than I expected.

These tiny boars are an interesting riding platform.

it just feels like you are going so fast…

It turns ok and it is quite stable( I have not ridden it a bunch)
but it felt kind of stiff… turning wise.
So I want to mess with the bushings and make it feel more like the ATV Ditch Life that I totally love.

I Basically wanted this board to be a lot like the ATV Ditch Life but with more power.


The baby sleeping with his pet 8 inch knobby tire…


Last night I got an actual start on the new battery for the Flux.

I am leaving higher voltages alone for now mainly in an attempt to not buy any more parts.

so the original plan is in place.

BAK cells 12S9P for 45AH

got the testing and glueing and taping done.

fish paper is next up…


I try to track all my rides on relive…
even when I am just going up and down the block in front of the house.

I clocked a ton of miles in 2020. - 3649
I went down a bit in 2022 - 2900
I didn’t log all my Onewheel rides on relive… and got up to 150 on the Pint. so I am gonna tell myself I did over 3000 miles…

it has been a super mellow winter here in Missouri so this January I kicked ass at 280 miles!!!
January of last year was 97 and the year before 170…


This guy rides.

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So yeah. I get home from a short ride.

Full bindings.
Thick winter gloves.
Mini remote.
Current mode.

I accidentally give full throttle backwards as I was about to turn the remote off to bend down to take my bindings off…

I managed to remember which way to try to move my finger right as I hit the curb😁


it has been a weird winter.
not super wintry… which is really nice.

but the second half of February has been snowy which immediately turns to sloppy…

it snowed a bunch Thursday and today it is 65 degrees.

so I will try to go out later and dodge puddles…

But this morning I just hung out in the garage and took some more baby steps on the new Flux battery.

I am hoping I get to the step of cutting the nickel today.

getting the nickel cut and ready to presolder will be a big milestone for me.


more baby steps towards the battery…
I wish I could click my heels 3 times and it just be done…

at least I think I have everything…



I didn’t love the Vision.

I rode it a few times and it bummed me out…
I think it was the concave…
The tail was too tall…
it felt clunky.

I also don’t think I liked the two tiny motors…
there seemed to be a lot of rolling resitance.

So the Vision had a career about as short as the Klaus…
So it goes.

So I went with a deck I know I love…
I got another Landyatchz ATV Ditch Life.

I decided to switch to a single 6374 motor.

I am running a Flipsky 6.6 Plus and a Flipsky smart anti spark…
no power button.

I may switch to a Focbox if this acts funny.

I did the thing again making a pod with heat shrink. that has all the electronics .
and that gets taped to the deck.

then I slapped my little abs shoebox on there…

this thing sat on the bench an extra two weeks because I was gonna make a slightly nicer enclosure…
but then I said screw it and just slapped it on there.

there is wheel bite if I lean really hard but did not happen while riding.

yeah. The other change is I went to 85 blue Caguamas from 80 mm orange Kegels.

Blue Caguamas are magical!

it came in at 17.3 lbs.
it has some decent power.

the top speed is way more than I will get to. but I can’t gear it any higher than the 14/40 I got now.

but it is good.

basically a faster and more powerful version of the other ATV Ditch Life.

But I can’t Ollie on this one…


The Crocus Flower

it is a sign that winter is behind us and spring is looming.

So I pulled some of the boards out of the basement up to the garage and then decided to line them all out.

Then I kind of did something I wanted to do for a while and rode all the boards back to back around the neighborhood.
making about 23 miles total…

that was pretty interesting to do.

I even had a fall…

towards the end on the Gravel Flux.
I was carving around the corner on a 4 way intersection and hit some gravel probably as I was accelerating and the board spun out from under me…

I fell backwards and smacked my head pretty hard…

but I jumped up and everything was ok and I kept riding…
just a bit of whiplash now…


definitely some whiplash…
neck is quite sore and stiff today.

Time to whip up some Pão de Queijo so I can stuff myself so I can then take a bunch of ibuprofen …


Oooh that sounds delicious. Got a recipe?

Also, i hope you feel better brother. Whiplash is the worst. But much better than the alternative

yep. I’ll message you.
and yeah. all in all I am ok. gonna go tool around on the Pint X to loosen up.

I am just afraid that the 55 degrees today will tell super cold compared to the 75 it was yesterday.

may have made a new friend today.
26 year old guy went to the skate shop and asked about electric skateboard parts…

owner gave him my contact and we hooked up and he came over and tried the boards.

good times…


And in showing the boards I saw this …

BN mounts bent out…
I am starting to think these 3ds pulleys may be a problem and the belt creeps and goes over the lip… not sure. random theory…

bums me out.
I like the look of these mounts on this board.

so I’m now gonna try either the shorter but thicker mounts…or the giant mounts…

if I have BN 40tooth pulleys around I will slap them on here too…


Is it definitely the mount that’s bent? Or the hanger?

May be worthwhile to install cross bars on the next iteration if it was just the mount :man_shrugging:


it’s the mount…

I hate cross bars…
takes me back to dicky ho days…
the little mounts can’t take them

the big ones could… but I also feel they can’t be bent…


Lol fair enough. Hopefully the next iteration fares better!

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other side too…

I gotta tell you.
being called fat by a little piece of metal feels a little awkward


I don’t think they are calling you fat more than they are calling your motors fat :rofl:

If it were the hangers, then it would definitely be your fat ass :rofl: