My Esk8s. A journal of sorts

I see they were 110’s…my bad

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I have 110s on mine.
I bet 100 or 97 would be ok.

90 is questionable I think.

some dude here tried 85 caguamas and said it was a no go…


Damn…I was hoping for caguamas. I guess I’ll have to be looking into belts.

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caguamas are magical and Boardnamics parts make a great belt drive!!!


What motors are they? Just curiosity getting the best of me

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the tiny guys are flipsky 5045 200kV.

I think that is similar size to boosted motors…

needing them narrow to do a dual drive on BN 145 hangers.

I think it is going to work.


No issues with belts and rocks, off road?

I don’t really take any of my belt drives on real off road… I might go over a bit of gravel and a patch of grass here and there…

but nothing significant enough to bugger up the belts…

I am not sure with belts if rocks are the real issue. I think mud and snow are the real killers.


What’s the total axle width? And which mounts are you using?

Really I just want to see the parts break down for the drive train :slight_smile: Everytime I look at the board I’m building I think, “second build has to be narrower” so I’m dying to see how this turns out

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bro bro.
if you want narrow, Boardnamics 145mm hangers is where it is at.

I made the two single drive toy boards with them, and love them.

I wanted to give dual drive a try with the 145s.

6354 motors may actually doable with 12mm belts but I can’t fuck with all that…

so I got these tiny Flipsky 5045 motors.

mounts are old style Bkb that I had to mangle to fit these motors.

wheel pulleys also from Boardnamics…

these pictures have 36 tooth pulleys…
but I mean to set this up with 40 tooth…
but Kevin decided to be a pain in the ass and sent me 36 by mistake and I did not notice until I was finished slapping it all together.
fucking pain in my ass.
14/40 hopefully will be ok torque…
sure as fuck don’t need this to be 14/36 for 31 mph top speed…


The very first thing I do when I get pulleys in the mail is write the tooth count on them with marker. I wish vendors would ship them this way.

cough @Boardnamics cough cough @3DServisas cough @dickyho cough cough


i mean… it doesn’t seem that hard… to order them that way…


I meant wheel pulleys actually but yeah any pulleys really.


Yesterday was both a productive and frustrating day…

it was supposed to rain all day so I knew I was going to get some tinkering done.
I wanted to make more progress on the Haero…

But all I did for that was cut the shafts on the flipsky motors. Which is something.

I redid the drive train with the 5045s.
got the 40 tooth pulleys installed.

I needed 255 mm belts apparently which I stole from the BamStoke temporarily because I had no 255 spares.

The little drive looks cute.
I need to slap some grip tape on the Claus to get the trucks on there and see how it is going to look.


The exciting part is that I got the Ditch Life put together with the little 3d printed enclosure.

on this one I went through the step of smearing JB weld plastic bonder and sanding before the truck bed liner spray.

made for a nicer finish.

Once again I love this tiny little drive train.
So basic and cute.

such a neat little package.

So I like to call this dynamic duo The Littles.

The Dinghy is really tiny…
The Ditch Life has plenty of space for my feet but it also stands out as different because of the short wheel base.

they are both super fun to ride…

after the baby got tired of pushing the board around, I went up and down the street by myself on the Ditch Life and it was a blast.

I was doing little ollies all over. ollies over little sticks and manhole covers…
just so cool.

lots of riding Fakie using Current mode.

Good times…

until I ollied off of my neighbors driveway and heard something break and drag…


oh well. so it goes.

the bolts I used for the enclosure were a smidge too short…
and I didnt let the blue loctite cure…
so just in riding a bit in front of the house I lost 2 bolts on one side…
the ollies made the Velcro between the battery and deck come loose and the enclosure just broke open…

if I had better bolts and a bit more gorilla tape holding the battery down I probably would be riding the Ditch Life right now…

but the enclosure is getting glued and I will rig it up with more gorilla tape and try it again here soon…


What a day! Can’t tell from the pic but did you add a fillet to the inside of the enclosure edges? If you have a tiny bit of extra space in those corners, that will help reinforce that type of breakage.

Not guaranteeing it would have saved it but for V2, I’d consider it

Also what infill percentage and pattern did you go with?


a kid I work with printed it for me…
so I am not up on the details.

there is no fillet though… I had thought about that.
fill wise I am not sure.
I can ask.
I think it could definitely be made tougher…

But I also have some ideas to prevent the enclosure from taking any force from the battery…


That would have helped a lot, important to redirect the loads away from the layer lines

They look super clean though!

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don’t they!!!
I love these little guys.

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Yeah and the bed liner always finishes off things like those so nicely

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