My Esk8s. A journal of sorts

I have not, that’s a pretty good idea. Huh, I already JB welded them to my hanger lol

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I meannnnn if you were careful could you theoretically use the mounting bracket as the jig?

(This piece)

Or do you guys think that’s too risky?
I feel like there’s be a high chance of destroying the threads.

Orrrrr what if you made the jig 2 piece so you could put it on the motor side of the mounting plate.
Remove the plate from the mounting bracket, and put the plate in a vice.
Then have someone hold the trucks as you drill it out?
Seems like a balancing act but might help :man_shrugging:
(I’m not entirely sure that made sense, but it made sense in my head :joy: )

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Hanger might get in the way of the drill itself, drilling from the motor side. Plus, ideally you want to really be sure those holes are straight, like with a drill press.

I actually like your “drill through the threads” idea. That threaded bracket has tons of holes, and you only need 3-4 of them. With careful planning, you could drill your new holes right through some sacrificial threads.

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Hahhaha, I think there isnt much YOU could do wrong imho.
You have build to many esk8 Boards, bro :hugs: :grinning:
You just need a bit of fine tuning i guess and its awesome.


Gonna try to slap the parts together for the ATV Ditch Life today…

Battery stolen from the Soft Crush.


I didn’t get too far yesterday…
Just got the Connectors soldered.
And the mount and motor mounted.
Going with the old BKB mount instead of the Boardnamics mount.
Let’s see how that goes. The BKB may not be as robust as BN. Hopefully it will be fine with the ollies.


Had some good help this morning so I got it all taped up.

Same exact drive train as the Dinghy.

Going to get with a kid at work about 3d printing enclosures for both of them.


I like how low profile those mounts are. Always had to use 90mm wheels on my mini to get clearance from the truck clamps with the BN mounts.


and you can still get them for cheap…
note for them to work with the BN hangers i had to shim with 2 washers, one of the bottm and one on the back.



Today was an epic esk8 day.

We went on a 37 miles round trip. From our driveway to a little hang out on the Missouri river and back.

Stoping at a couple playgrounds on the way.

I even broke a chain on the way back.
The bolts holding down the chain sprocket came loose… Caused the sprocket to come way off alignment and caused the #25h chain to pop off on the master link.

But I had the tools I need and extra chains and we got moving in less than ten minutes.

My wife was pretty amazed by that…

It was a perfect sunny unusually cool 70 degree day here min Missouri just perfect for it.


After getting home from our ride I get the boys out of the cart.

The little one that is 1 and 8 months wants to get on the boards all the time.

So I get the analog Demonseed out for him and grab the Dith Life for me.

We go to the street in front of the house and he butt boards a little on the Demonseed and then hops on the Ditch Life and I hit the throttle for him and he loves it. Only going about 10 feet at a time and really slowly… But he is into it.

My neighbor comes out with his Metroboard.
The very board at the top of this page and I rode it a bit which was a trip.

Then I get back on the Ditch Life and start Dorking around with little ollies and next thing you know I managed to ollie over my old street board.
Which I was really wanting to do with this board.

So pumped.

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First thing in the morning…


I love esk8.

Today I went to change the batteries on the remote of the Demonseed…
Only to become aware of some weirdness on one of the motors…

Something was dragging.
Still not sure what…

Replaced the bearings… Which sucks…
I don’t have an arbor press…
The sensor PCB was unglued…
Not sure if that causes the noise.
Or if I knocked it loose changing the bearings…

At the end of it all I battle hardened that can with milliput…
Will see tomorrow if the noise is still there.


My strait cuts still make a rattle sound maybe 200 miles in now, the free roll seems to just get better with miles added on. Really nice build.


Then I decided to tinker with the Llama…

The esc was heating up too fast…
So I have to add a heat sink.
Not a fan of going down that rabbit hole…
Not a fan of opening and enclosure I just built the other day…
Oh well…

On a single 21 mile ride I had beat the shit out of the motors…

So the angle had to change…

So in comes the BN adjustable baseplate.
Nice parts.

I checked it on a pair of Paris trucks and it adds 16 mm of height…

So adjustable baseplates = crap ton of risers…

It makes the trouble I went through to get a used pair of calibers to get a 44 degree baseplate to put back here seem like it was an especially big waste of time…

Oh well.

So crap ton of risers vibes. I can point the motors down…

But also I can put in the TB 6380 170kV motors.
I could not do that with the Caliber Baseplate.

So that is cool.

I think it is all going to work out so I just gotta slap it all together.


Thanks dude.

You know.

Despite the “rattle”
It felt fine rolling.
It just sounds weird and freaked me out…

I hope the next version of the Llama will just work… And I will be super pleased with the slight bump in torque from these motors and everything will seem like it was worth it.

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The small conundrums of esk8.

Xenith has 4 mm bullet. Motors have 5mm bullets… Thanks a billion TB…

Do I put 5mm on the Xenith.
Do I put 4mm on the motors.
Do I put mr60 on both.

What would Jesus do.

I don’t love soldering…

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I think it’s stupid too, I made 4 to 5.5 adapter so if I want to rotate out motor size they just unplug, looking back I’d do the motors, not the esc as everyone else uses 4 it seems

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Another reason I’m leaning towards 4mm is it takes up the least space out of the 3 options…

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MR 60 all around. No brainer. Male ends (with pins) on the ESCs. Female ends (with holes) on the motors.

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