MT 6396 custom kV GB - poll 1st

There might be a changes to fit them if you mount the gear case a bit more down

But can’t promise it will work

That’s with 6384 motors @PixelatedPolyeurthan


I see you are new here.
Yes the money in group buys goes first to the dealer of the group, in this case @Riako, and then to maytech.
I understand this may sound suspicious at first as an outsider but thus is how it works. We are are a very close community and there has very rarely been any scandals or scammers. In our profiles we have different badges and only lev 3 (regulars) can set up groups buys on this forum. We look out very attentively for scammers so rest assured :wink:


Still a spot open? If so, I have cash in hand and am totally in


@Riako if @Ace could take my place and then we still have the MOQ :smiley: ?

I’ve already got shit going to sender any way :joy:

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same :rofl::rofl:

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was there ever a determination on the mounting pattern on these? was it 5XXX or 6XXX?

The new ones have both 63xx and 50xx I believe.

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Please @BillGordon, can you close this topic for me ?! :slight_smile: thx !