That’s looking much better dude
Can you tell if it’s the wheel pulley or the mount that’s untrue?
Spin the wheel without the belt and look to see if the pulleys wobbles.
That motor pulley you jus have to move it to the right more and once you do the belt won’t run away. @Bakack
Unless the wheel pulley is untrue.
That’s never the case usually. You can see above the motor pulley is closer left than the drive wheel pulley is. You basically lock the flange where it aligns with the drive wheel then it won’t run off or you can move the motor mount 1-2mm closer to the drive wheel.
Yeah but Its hard to tell if the mount is straight as well.
Not to mention getting bolt on pulley straight isn’t the easiest thing and considering how this board was put together in the first place I highly doubt it is.
So good news rode today about 6 miles or so no looseness in the mount
Bad news halfway through the ride the motor clunked and stopped working . It will try to spin sometimes like a quarter turn and clunks . I searched how to remove can. No loose magnets . I did see it looked like a couple of the outside winding wires seemed loose . I did not pull them to see if they were Because I didn’t want to break anything . Do I have bad windings?
Give this a read.
Do the phrase wire test.
It sounds like a sensor failed. Does the motor have 4 wires going to the ESC, or 3 wires?
What ESC are you using?
Does it start from a stop or do you have to roll a tiny bit before it will start without cogging?
If that’s what happened I would change it to unsensored.
It is sensored 4 wires. It will try to turn from a stop intermittently and when I turn it by hand it will try also. I was riding back after it quit and it seemed that while I was moving if I hit the throttle it would brake a little on throttle.
No clue what esc but I am assuming it is a tb as most of the parts were tb . So to try it unsensored I just unplug the sensor wire?
@Skunk phase a b c is the three motor wires? I am assuming this test is done disconnected from battery ? When I spin it it kinda feels like I can feel the magnets but it does spin ok. Problem is I don’t know what a good motor feels like
I went into the battery enclosure and one wire was disconnected
. Works fine now . Battery looks like
. Looks like the sensor wire is not connected to the esc/vesc don’t know what it is or where it would connect!
It is a VESC I see it on circuit board as well as Benjamin Vedder on it. Also btw I found out the motor is missing the snap ring . I am paying for my education on this one
Ugh… I’m not crazy about that battery.
Any info on it?
I haven’t really had any issue with mine either it was hard to get them on in the beginning and scarred my brand now purple cals but haven’t had any issue
Get rid of this battery the fact that there are 4 different colors means they are all different types of battery and all have different amp discharge. I would take that battery out and throw it into the air and shoot it with a shotgun.
Contact @Psychotiller about getting a battery
@Skunk @Briman. I know the previous owner made it and like the rest of the board wrong trucks motor pulley backwards clamp backwards snap ring missing from motor shaft. #cantgetright. Oof
Btw @Skunk thanks for all the pointing in the right direction much appreciated as well as everyone else who has helped me out this far
Sure thing man. Just don’t tell anyone I was helpful.
I’ll go back to shitposting and marking fun of @anon54720240
Too late I seen it. Never going to take your shitposting seriously now dude.
My eyes were immediately directed at that candy bag looking battery.
Scary a little bit, if it works it works till it’s a fire.
Rode today for a little. Crap sidewalks many bumps and motor/ clamp still tight
Now to work on a battery and thinking about battlehardening the motor