Most popular (specific) models of ESC?

What do you feel are the three most popular specific models of ESC being used by the DIY esk8 community for new builds, repair, and replacement?

NOT which are better! Just which are bought more often.

Yea, I know, you want to say just one word…VESC. :grin:
But it’s important to know the specific model of each ESC.

This is part of the data gathering for a product development project I’m hoping to start on soon. Thanks for your time!


i don’t want to say this, but…unity :shushing_face:

let me rephrase, xenith

e: im gonna add Trampa VESC MK4 or 5 to my list, as well as Flipsky Dual FSESC6.6


I think the most common is the Unity, Xenith hasn’t been around long enough to surpass the massive volume of Unities out there

The StormCore 60D is up there too, lots of DIY and production boards are running with them

After that I’m not sure, maybe a MakerX or the uBox?


definitely imo xenith,60d,hd60t name a better 12s trio

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This is what I was gonna say

Honorable mentions would be the MakerX DV6, which I think is the best option for the money, and then probably Flipsky FESC 6.6 DUAL +


oh yea maker dv6 is good a way better flipshit and flip is hmm id never XD. But yea honestly u cant go wrong with xenith,60d, bulletproof hd60t or dv6.


Probably jumping the gun on calling it bulletproof since it’s still kind of new, but yes I agree

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its been out for ages has it not? been like a year since trampa smashed two mk3 into a single unit

not really, official launch was Nov’20, and wasn’t even available until early this year

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huh dam thought it was out longer. nevertheless great vesc

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Yeah and my main point is there haven’t been a lot of people saying good or bad things about it

Not the point of the thread though

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yup, don’t want to derail the thread more.

but i have hd60 that im still waiting on parts to complete my build with it :shushing_face:

i kinda feel like there is to few diy esk8ers to really get big groups of ppl riding on different vesc that comes out to really get a broad data sprectrum of which ones are good and which are in need of improvement. Like alot of esk8ers primarily are prebuilt riders who dont experience wat real boards feel like and half stays with pre builts or goes to ebikes,unis or scoots. We honestly need more aftermarket diy components we usually use to be introduced into the prebuilt market to amass more attention to different components that may or may not need improvements.

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I’d have thought the FS 4.12 or 4.20 would be high on the list? Just because they’re so cheap and noobs don’t know better than to buy the marketing claims

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it probably is just from a sales standpoint and not really a overall performance standpoint since most of the well informed knows better.


In popularity alone, the ESCs people are using the most that are still being sold would be

  • BKB Xenith
  • Stormcore 60D+
  • One of Flipsky’s ESCs :frowning: (probably the FESC 6.6 dual+)

And runner ups would be Trampa’s Vesc 6 mk5 or HD60 (which have the same kind of on/off circuitry), and then Torque6 ESC which doesn’t have any on/off switch. MakerX’s lineup and older ESCs also don’t have an on/off switch.

Cheap focers have an interesting implementation, although I’m not sure how many people even use it. It might still draw a lot of power when off, don’t know :woman_shrugging:

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Flipsky ESCs being available on Amazon prime likely has a lot of weight in more people using them.


I didn’t know this, that’s very handy for returns

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Flipsky dual 6.6 due to price having been good for newbies
Stormcore 60d/60d+ due to branding and performance
Unity/xenith due to marketing/ being around for a while/ idiot not wanting to die


Yeah crazy how they went from cheapest to not even being competitive now lol