Metr Pro Updates

Yes, that sounds like a nice feature

I also noticed this, have seen it happening only with VESC 5.x firmware, which one do you have?


Also 5.x, 5.1 i think?

Iā€™ve noticed this as well, but havenā€™t noticed anything break because of it. 5.2

Mine and my friendā€™s metr connections have been really spotty lately, probably after the latest app update.

Most of the time when I start the app, it shuts off half of the ESC and refuses to connect. This is fairly repeatable and makes zero sense to me. If I do not start the metr app at all, I do not have any issues.

Would you like me to send logs @rpasichnyk

Has anyone else experienced this?


rpasichnyk answered to me very nicely and my problem was minimum Android Wear 2.0 is needed.


Yes please, send logs and I will have a look!

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Whatā€™s the email again?

Iā€™ll try and send from my phone the last few two or three where it didnā€™t turn on

Would be great if you also write approximate time when it happened.

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Like time of day? This error almost always happens on startup of the app. Occasionally if you let the board sit too long it can happen too, or at a very low voltage.

Yes, time of day

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I canā€™t seem to figure out how to send it from my phone. I may have to use my PC.

Do I need to have More Logs turned on in Magic, because itā€™s not right now.

  • Use some file explorer or file manager application on your Android phone
  • Navigate to Internal storage / Android / data / / files /
  • Find log file that you want (for example log_2021-01-29.txt for Jan 29th)
  • Send it via mail

ā€œMore Logsā€ is not necessary in your case


New app update v4.8.1 (already out) adds an option to apply modes temporarily. It replaces ā€œStartup Modeā€ feature that was removed a while ago. Supported on VESCs with FW 3.48 and above. After restart the mode will be ā€œlostā€ and VESC will return to the previous configuration.

The mode will be applied ā€œpartiallyā€. Only following parameters are considered:

l_max_erpm (speed limit)

But hopefully those should be enough for most use cases


Really great job with the quick implementation

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Discharge battery only clicks once upon starting, then metr says ā€œdischarge completeā€

hw 6
fw 5.1
latest metr pro can FW module and app

Update: only happens with metr pro CAN.

metr pro works

Fixed, had the battery set to 12s on a 10s battery.


10S battery with 12S settings? Looks like your metr thinks your battery is at 0% based on voltage


Well guess i found my problem. lol

Now it works :man_facepalming:t2:


:boom: A new version 4.8.8 is up :rocket:

A small but useful feature suggested by @b264, long press on the status icon brings you to Metr Pro settings page where you can rename the module, backup settings to the cloud and update the firmware.

Another feature suggested by @xsynatic is displaying the latest configuration in the Expert tab even when there is no connection to the module. A lot of work went into this, even though the change seems to be small on the outside, big parts of internal structure had to be changed. Me and @xsynatic did a few rounds of testing and I tried to fix all the issues we found. Now even when your board is not around you can still see complete motor and app configurations of all VESCs / BMSes

I also fixed compatibility with the legacy modules, thanks for letting me know @Pedrodemio

And some other news (project MeGA). I am working with @janpom on DAVEGA X configuration from the Metr app. It is not ready yet, but hopefully soonā„¢ļø


Thanks for that, and now music and Metr logging works again at the same time :love_you_gesture:


With the new update I have many issues.

The discharge feature doesnā€™t work for me unless I disable PWM in the app settings. Remote is off.

Also I am not able to change modes. This is what is says when I swipe

Lastly when I change settings in the expert and hit write, it says something like ā€œno changes madeā€ every time.

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