Metr Pro Updates

It’s a minor issue to be sure, so don’t sweat it if you can’t fix it.

Read only is stuck for me I can’t turn it off

Sorry forgot. I’m on iPhone with newest version

I assume you tried going in :

Settings - Blue cog - and pressed disable read-only


↓ (toggle in reverse)


ye the thing is its stuck i cant untoggle it it just slides back

What i still don’t understand is the account feature.

I have 3 different Distance values.

My account says 500km total
The metr module says 10.6km (i had to reinstall the app because installed a Custom rom on my phone)
And the records itself would add up to over 1200km

Account gets updated with what you see in the app when you press “Sync all”. Stats are stored in settings, they are not calculated over all your records. When you reset settings, you lose stats (this happens on reinstall). You can also edit stats if it helps

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One of my 3 records from this ride seems to be broken when uploaded.

the other one works.

I found and fixed one issue with the broken one, but still it’s quite small, looks like a couple of seconds. Was it supposed to be longer?

The broken record is 37 Minutes long.

i also noticed that uploading records gets stuck my number 5


@rpasichnyk sent a log to you guys about the location not uploading, maybe it has the same root as @xsynatic problems

The location for me was disabled. Forgot to turn it on, at least thats the reason that part is blank


What’s the relation between the visual level and the % level the the DieBieMS gives? There seems to be a difference.

Ps: Something very minor as well, he cells are not center aligned


Feature request addition.

Ability to merge records.

  • (I always have 2 records for 1 ride because i have swap my batteries from 12s lipo to 10s liion which splits it)

The ability to scan for modes as an image file/ Screenshot instead for only using the camera

  • I had screenshots of my mode QR codes on my phone. Problem is that i can’t use the camera on my own screen :crazy_face:
    So being able to import modes that way.

Tiny thing but being able to access the main settings within the settings instead of backing out, risking to close the app.

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Metr Pro does always disconnects.

It’s connected to my second vesc.
My Master vesc has another Bluetooth Module from Trampa.

Where does the disconnect come from?

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Doesn’t pause feature solve this?

Makes sense. Btw you can also click back arrow on top to go back.

Was it the same Metr Pro or different one? You can upload module settings (blue gear) and that will also upload your modes for that module. Then when you connect a new phone, modes will be downloaded.

Try updating Metr Pro to FW 5.4 (click on blue gear) and let us know if that helped.


i haven’t tested if metr resumes the record after having lost power. (because i physically need to unplug the battery)

true, its a far stretch though (big phone ^^)

its the same module yes. Downloading would override the current one/ or make a duplicate which i would have to find and remove again?

i currently have 4 modes on my phone but like 10 on the cloud where i currently don’t need the other 6.

Downloading it would restore all instead of just the one i want. If i messed up one profile on the phone and want to restore just that.

Example 2 : i’m on a ride and somebody sends me a profile to test. No way for me to import it.

Idea would be to import the picture of the QR code and metr would scan the image for the code or something like that. Or a code to add modes like a friend request

oh and like i mentioned, my records won’t upload. The whole April hasn’t been uploaded yet. It does 7 out of 38 and then gets stuck.

Yes it does.

I am working on it! Hope to get it fixed soon.


i just checked. Wow it really does haha.

Does it have to be paused in order to resume or does it also work if its “actively” recording?
But now knowing that it works, the merging request loses this option.
The other option now is if the records gets cut off, or stopped by accident. The question is how often that happens and if its worth investing the time for it. :man_shrugging:t3:
