Metr Pro Updates

The One+ has some weird methods of battery management and cache clearing, god forbid you try to use Exchange corporate controls on one…

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Looking forward to the fix.

The oneplus theory so far only applies to the metr app. Everything so far stays up as it should.
Also the issue came out of nowhere. Earlier days didn’t have the issue (With the same OS and metr firmware) I have another oneplus phone with android 10, i’ll have a look if that issue is Android 9 specific.


When using bridge mode, the iPhone locks after a while and loses connection. Is there a setting to prevent it?

@rpasichnyk Well you did it. I was able to update my metr pro and it didn’t crash!

Just came back from a 38km ride. No crash at all, everything like it should.

Thanks :heart:


No but thanks for heads up, this is going to be fixed soon!

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The winter is coming (as well as some updates!) For those who doesn’t esk8 because it’s cold :cold_face: You want to store batteries nice and safe @ about 40% charge :battery: It will be super easy with this new feature

:zap: DISCHARGER :zap:

It uses foc_openloop command to discharge battery. Battery current goes through motors, but they are not spinning, just heating.

:clock10: Takes several hours to discharge a battery
:seedling: Quiet and about 5x faster than freespin
:1234: Uses multiple VESCs/motors over CAN bus
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Continuously sends COMM_ALIVE packets and monitors realtime data
:fire: Motor temperature limit 60℃, VESC temperature limit 70℃
:white_check_mark: Turns off when reached storage level

Modes with Expert additions

You can add wide range of expert parameters to modes.
Suggested by @xsynatic and @Skatardude10

We are doing Black Friday

We did Black Friday a year ago and it was a success for everyone :money_mouth_face: We decided to do it again this year. There will be 20% discount on all products :star_struck: Shipping might be delayed a few days depending on the amount of orders


That is an epic level feature, excellent work.


What a damn good idea !!
Is the Discharge feature allowed if no motor temp sensor are detected ?


No, safety first. But you can always hack around by using Terminal :see_no_evil: :sweat_smile:


Well done… That sounds pretty awesome :+1:


Yo, where is my shoutout. I asked for that 25 days ago :joy::joy:

Also, sick update! Can’t live without metro pro anymore!

EDIT: appreciate it :heart: :laughing:


Fixed, thanks! Short memory :stuck_out_tongue:


That looks awesome! Well Done.
@rpasichnyk would it be possible to add a voice-note (voice to text) that goes into the logs and shows on the graphs. This would be pretty handy to add a note about conditions when testing and riding etc.

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Another thing. Due to the bug from last time, i’m still in the Play store Beta program. Should i leave it before i download the update or is it not necessary?

I was literally waiting for this sale for so long! :sweat_smile:
I tracked back to last year’s Black Friday and saw that you did one the week before it. So I was refreshing that page all that time to see if you would do one again this year.


OMFG SO AWESOME @rpasichnyk!! Thank you so much!!! Man, you work quick… even though I may not ride tonight I am super pumped to start making some super custom modes, probably right now :grimacing::grinning::smile:

And the discharge feature is awesome! I’ll be using that this winter a bit for sure, no more full charge the night before and getting unexpected snow for a week and worrying about sitting on a board with a full charge… mmmmm YES!!!


Is the update live on the play store?

Looks like it is pushed and should be available pretty soon.:slightly_smiling_face:


Then we need a tutorial on adding those sensors to motors ! :smiley:

No harm to the battery when discharging at a very low current for a long time ? And what is the max discharge current we can use (or how to calculate it so we can know how long it will take for your own batteries) ?

Thanks guy for this awesome feature ! Gonna buy another module to help your business.


This is a killer feature, brilliant, can’t wait to try this out, no more sitting on a full pack remorse.

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