Metr Pro connection?

Yeah this is exactly what I have done!

Adc1, adc2, 5v are not used by the metr pro

GND is the only one you need to tap into.

What pins of the JST connector are necessary for Metr Pro to work?

Only four pins: 3.3V, GND, TX and RX need to be connected. The cable uses 7 wires to match ESCs 7 pin connector. We can not provide a cable with missing wires and we donā€™t really have time to remove them.

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Oh thatā€™s great to hear thanks a lot!! I read through a lot of topics but missed that part. Hope I didnā€™t bother you with my question :slight_smile:

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Hi everyone,

Having an issue with app not finding metr pro during scanning, thanks for the help in advance. None of the led lit up on the module :point_down:

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I want to say you have it plugged into the wrong pins. You need to move it over right a couple pins. (I would wait for a more definitive answer from a more seasoned metr expert)


As shown, module was inserted starting on the far right pin.

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Should be to the very right, not left pins. Hole on Unity has to match Metr Pro half circle on the top.


Alright, will report backā€¦thank you.


As advised, re-inserted into the rightmost pins issue resolved! Everyone, thank you.


Have another issue. Took board out for a run, metr pro was shown connected. Did not start to record automatically although was set to 2s delayed start. Also try to start record manually but it stopped after couple secs.

I havenā€™t had luck connecting my can metr to my Stormcore.

It just stays at endless ā€œconnectingā€

My metr FW is 5.34
My Stormcore FW is 5.2
My can baud is at 125k
My uart baud is at 115200
My can status is at 1_2_3_4_5

No combination of the bottom three make it to fully connect at all.

First thank you for sending logs via email! (just had a look at them)

Are you using 5V from CAN connector? Stormcore has an issue where 5V drops as soon as you start drawing some current from it. Unfortunately because of this design issue you need to take 5V from another place. UART or PPM port for example.

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Yeah Iā€™m just using the standard port. Either way, damn okay. Iā€™ll have to do some serious splicing soon.

@hexakopter and I designed this CAN splitter (that also has 5v bridge between UART and CAN). I think you would like to have it :slight_smile:


I canā€™t wait to hook up two focbox 1.6 and start playing xt60 roulette

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This is great! No more Y-splitting wires. I have wanted to do something like that for a long time but I never made it high enough priority.

Where can I get this? I looked on your website, but I couldnā€™t find it :slight_smile:

We didnā€™t plan to sell this but seing there is enough interest we will try to do it!

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Iā€™ve used 2 different metr can, both work fine for my stormcore 100D

Above is a log from today, simply using the 4 wire can connector provided with the metrā€¦now the new GPS feature i could not figure out lol :sweat_smile: @rpasichnyk any idea what i need to do Roman?

Well Iā€™d need at least 2 pc. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: