Mental health - please take care of it

This actually HAS helped me with my mental health. I’ve struggled with severe depression and obsessive-compulsive since I was a kid, and when I was just 19 my father passed away from a freak heart attack. My mom walked downstairs, and found him dead. Only a year or so after that, one of my close high school friends passed away as well. He had gone out for a swim on a beach one evening, and the next morning his body was found washed up on shore. He had drowned. It’s hard enough having a mental illness, but dealing with grief at the same time is 100x worse.

Getting out to skate has been very beneficial for my mental health. I’ve found it’s a really good way to clear my head. Put on some good music and just go cruise. Because I have to constantly focus on my surroundings when skating, I’ve found that my brain is much less “loud” when I’m on the board, if that makes sense. It’s nice being able to get out of my head, even for only an hour.

So yes, ABSOLUTELY get out and skate!


Just wanted to say that if any of you ever need someone to talk to about anything mentalhealth related, my door is always open. Just shoot me a DM and I’ll be happy to schedule a call with you. Love all of you!


RIP Frederic.
I was abit away, but as I am autistic, who has a hard time in some situations and is caring for some people, when it comes to mental health in a community I’m in. Mental health reminder. Go out and skate, walk whatever clears your mind. I know how it is, when I had a relationship a with borderline personality. :upside_down_face:


Post all of your messages, leave absolutely nothing out.

Sk8tan will be the judge of things, just make sure you’re in the right if you don’t want any regret stemming from this.

I have med issues too & some spare parts laying around, depending on what you need I may be able to send some things your way. Just need more info.


It look like everything is gonna be taken care of. Thank you.


Very good message!

Riding is such a needed therapy, and on days where I seemingly can’t ride things get really hard.

The winter really hurts me here, either raining for multiple days on end or threatening rain every morning or afternoon.

I’ve just gotta bite the bullet. Risk it for the biscuit. Waterproof as good as I can and just ride anyway. Pack a couple garbage bags just in case.

Can’t let weather control my mental health. Must ride.


You ain’t kidding about winter/weather. It significantly affects me. Even though I live just north of Washington DC I dread winter/ short days especially after the time change.

I did a few year stint of living in Florida in the early 00’s. Depression disappeared even though I was barely making it since Florida sucks for wages. I was only making a fraction of the money I made in DC.
Didn’t realize the connection between sunlight and depression until I moved back, depression set in after the season change.

Forcing myself to go outside in the sun really does help, not some placebo effect either.


Having some really weird feelings recently.

Even when the roads are dry and I can sk8, I have this desire to work on my board more and perfect things. Seems I only want to ride when I need to test.

What’s wrong with me? Why do I want to build more than I want to ride?


Hahahaha this happened to me too. Force yourself to ride, you’ll feel better for it most of the time.


I find building can sometimes be therapeutic and enough. And sometimes riding can feel like a chore to get out the door, it’s always nice once you finally do get out though.


Co-sign on this. I enjoy the building as much as the riding :100:

Troubleshooting on the other hand :fu:

TS can suck a satchel of cocks.


When troubleshooting becomes too much, the next best option is fully rebuilding IMO

I had to do that to my battery. What started as a popped weld issue turned into a fried BMS and now finally after a year of balance issues I rebuilt it completely and now everything works and makes sense.


tbh though sometimes I really enjoy troubleshooting and finding and fixing the problem more

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I was exactly like this with 3D printing until discovering esk8. My first year of the hobby i was constantly making things and having a blast. Then i went down the dark rabbit hole of modifications and now my addiction has destroyed my life

Yeah, recently I’ve been thinking I’m broke, but then I remembered how much I spend on parts “just to test them out”

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Hey guys, have some problem I need advice on if someone went through the same or knows someone that went through that

I smoke weed (mainly hash for the last years) for the last ~10 years (I’m 27), my consumption is not what I’d say is a lot at this time (1-2 joints in the evening, maybe 2-3 on the week-ends, all cut with tobacco).
My work is a bit stressfull at the moment, lots of different projects and parts to make, my life isn’t as I wanted it to be, still in a small appartment at 27, have no real place to work on my projects other than my 2m² office… and most my projects are waiting for parts

My problem is, since about 3 weeks at times in the evening when I’m on the couch I get something that feels like anxiety attacks, I have the feeling my heart starts racing (tho it isn’t according to my gf), I have a weird oppressing feeling in my chest, the feeling I have fever and the only way to get it away is to go to bed, sometimes at 9 in the evening, waking up in the morning with the same stressed feeling…
Went to the doctor, he looked at my blood pressure, made an electrocardiogram everything looked perfect.
My doctor and I believe it is a reaction to my long use of weed, tho I don’t have the main symptoms characterizing CHS (I don’t have nausea nor abdominal pain)… He gave my a light anxiolytic and it seems to help a bit (If I don’t smoke THC just before)… now I’m trying to quit using CBD instead to see if it helps

If anyone has advices, had similar symptoms and worked it out, talking to someone that went through the same would really help me out I think


Hey man,

Ive experienced some of what you’ve talked about here. I’d be happy to talk in private, DM me if youre interested.


Hi everyone, Christmass is a hard time for lots of people, be nice


I love you