MBS Pro Warren III - Riser Pads - Stomp Pads

Hi Folks,

I haven’t seen much work being done for the MBS Pro Warren III in the forum, I’d like to offer up some 3D print files for people to use for any upcoming build they may have.

This project called for some riser pads to be designed although unlike every other mountain board riser pads there needed to be concave to match the OEM version. As these have a concave I recommend you print them flat side down with infill.

Your welcome :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

DWiii Riser Pad.stl (233.2 KB)

OEM version is below for reference.



Might want to add it to the wiki!

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Hell yeah dude! How are you liking the deck? I’m rocking the previous version and love the look of this one.

@Venom121212 I wish I could tell you! I had this deck for a few months in my shop waiting for a client build to happen. I ended up speaking to someone that was keen on it, although they wanted to do all the heavy lifting from the battery build and final component fit-out. This being the case I boxed it all up in parts and shipped it out :frowning:

I’ll never know now although the buyer promised to give me detailed feedback… It does look like a solid platform and I always liked the way old Warren handled it. One major improvement would be the deck width, you get more on this build.

I hope someone else on this forum gets cracking and builds one up.

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NICE! I didn’t even know that thread existed, I’ll be sure to upload my other bits and bobs to it.

Can you please inspect my work?

Looking good :+1:t2:

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