MBS Matrix iii (3) discussion

Currently out of stock.

I have the radium mounts on matrix 3 and they’re sweet

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I just ordered from MBoards


:point_up_2:t2:Ben Buckler down under has the last sets. Brilliant piece of kit i think.

edit you got some others… Too bad… the Radium ones are really very nice :wink:

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Not trippin here, just needed something quick and availabe

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I have the Radium mounts and they are really dreamy.

I put them on my Dualitys…
And ordered some of Tito’s mounts to put on my Matrix III.

They are on their way, and I will report when I get them installed.


Matrix III Singularity kit install instructions posted: The Singularity™ bushing design for Channel trucks. - #157 by RipTideSports

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