Mboards Flowstate vs Hoyt St Tabor

Hi everyone. I am currently looking to sell my DIY board for around the same price as these two boards. I have my eye on these to replace my DIY. I am selling my DIY because it just doesn’t suit the kind of riding I like to do, and I really do not want to not want to build another board myself. I would like a board, however, that I can upgrade parts on unlike typical prebuilt boards.

The kind of riding I like to do is more casual speeds, typically between 15-25 mph with lots of carving. It needs to be good for tighter corners as I ride in a downtown city setting often (Tampa and St Petersburg FL). Florida is very flat so no hills, and little off roading. Basically it needs to be a good street board with pneumatics preferred.

I want a board with a 12s8p battery size or bigger, motors in the 3500 - 4500 watt range in the 170-190 kv range, vesc compatible, and good for turning / carving. The rest is not as important to me.

As mentioned in the subject, I am looking at Mboards Flowstate and Hoyt St Tabor. Which would you guys recommend? Any other boards I should consider?

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Tabors turn radius is nuts. Turns on a dime. Raced it at esk8con and rode the fuck out of it during my internship there. Really wish I had one right now, but I can highly recommend it. It’s fun to ride at any speed too.


There’s also the Metroboard pathfinder, which has the same internals (and deck!) as the Hoyt Tabor, but with a different drivetrain:

Might be the better option if you ride slow and like to carve :smiley:


Appreciate it! If I go that route, I might go with this one instead. Someone I know already has the Tabor so I can get this one to be different. Personally I like to stand out from the pack :grin:


You might consider a used lacroix. I love the lacroix jaws/nazare decks for carvey street riding. They have a very nice flex that most other decks do not have.

I think people are selling them on FB because they are worried about no support from lacroix, but if you have DIY skills, that isn’t really an issue.

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Same deck concave**

Tabor is bamboo and Fiberglass

Pathfinder is Carbon fiber and maple


You could also consider a Flux AT2. The battery is 12s11p molicel m35a (1500Wh), which works out to a little more capacity than a 12s8p p42a pack.

I’m not a huge fan of the flux deck because it is quite stiff, but others like them.

Flux AT2 – FluxMotion

Honestly, just go ride as many boards as you can and see what you enjoy the most. The Hoyt tabor is a fantastic board, but I found the deck too short for my riding preference.


If you want to stand out and for that kind of riding I don’t think you can go wrong with the flowstate

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So on my way out of Hoyt I nabbed a dadbod. Turns out it’s too long for my riding preference haha I end up standing so far in the front of my Dadbod my rear foot is on the logo in the center of the deck lol


I’ve kind of realized this with my flux lol, I stand all the way at the front going fast and shift to the back of the deck making slow turns.


Is mboards still just running motor detection wizard and leaving all settings stock? That’s how the first 5 endurances I’ve inspected were set up.


I have looked at that one and like it but it’s so close to my current board. I have the matrix 2 trucks and it just isn’t carvy enough for me and riding city blocks results in to many 3 point turns. Appreciate the suggestion and interest :fist_right::fist_left:


Do you have any idea how well the matrix 3 trucks carve? I know it has the smaller set. My matrix 2s on a longer deck carve like a school bus

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You will never need to do that with a Tabor it’s amazing


Better than the 2. The stock white blocks allow them to super carvy.

I had an at2 with Matrix 2 and I could never get it right for the street with tight turns.
Matrix 3 are great.

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lol yah it’s super personal. I suspect I’d get used to the size of the Tabor and enjoy it if I spent more time on one. It’s nimble, and Hoyt 5 are some of the best tires in esk8.

Coming from a Nazare deck and a re44, I’m accustomed to a wide stance. Always been like that on snowboards too


It ain’t about the size but how you use it


This can easily be changed with a +5’ riser in the front and some softer RT bushings.

I’m running the Blue 60a RT bushings on my M2 trucks and they are crazy carvy at slow speeds. I can do full circles in the length of an average car parking spot.


On that exact same setup without touching the bushings at all. How fast can you go without getting speed wobbles?


With the orange shock blocks I hit 37 mph and stopped. Probably could have hit 40+. I don’t need to go that fast and am not into speed like that. With yellows riding loose for carving, I feel unsteady around 25.