Making a spare parts board for charity.

That’s great man, I have 3 different sizes I can send out. Sounds like you’ll be able to fit into any of the 3, it’ll just depend on wether not they’ll want to add a larger battery in the future. I can send any of them out as soon as Friday if it will help. I’m not sure what your exact timeline is.


You should be able to fit everything into the small size no problem.

Do we have the lucky recipient of this board chosen yet?

Yeah that small one will work fine… there is no hurry… I have been injured pretty much all month so I haven’t been working and rent is coming up ha so I dunno if I’ll be able to snag it til next week sometime. I do have the fella picked out. I guess I should clarify. He is not part of this community. (Yet) but just a kid in my neighborhood… by kid I mean smaller than me haha He always stops me and talks to me about my boards when I ride by. He is always bummed that he can’t get one. I figured what the hell it will basically just cost me some spare parts and a few supplies to build the battery. Unfortunately, my well-being is going to have to take priority or I won’t have a place to build it haha

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That’s really nice of you man! DM me your shipping address and I’ll get one sent out Friday :smile:

Same for the enclosure and @Brenternet’s esc we sent over for the charity build.


Well shoot if that’s the case I would be down to do another one too… I love building and don’t always have the funds to build my own things… if you send it I can slap it together. Then send it to who ever gets it.

The dude was strong in your grandpa :ok_hand: