Maker-X Go-FOC DV4 (upgraded version) ----- Most Affordable Dual Drive ESC

I think I see the problem…

I’ll try to extend my sensor wires if I don’t like the stutteryness of it.
Hope it goes well. I’ve had a hall sensor unplug before and it full braked, so I’m on the fence about it

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Hey man my order is 1087… can i please have an update its been 40 days and it still says ready to ship on my arrive app.

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Yeah @YUTW123 would also like an update on order 1102.

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China is still on lockdown. Government just issued green light to work but most places are still doing their own health checks before the factories go into full swing. Chances are, Maker-X customer service is still out of the game or delivery services are still compromised. If it’s the latter, it’s not just you man; pretty much any item out of China is massively delayed. I’ve been unable to order or receive parts overseas


Doesn’t hurt for @YUTW123 to tell us that. Any news is better than no news.

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He kind of did in not so many words; potential language barrier

Also for the record, not defending him/her. Just trying to explain why things are delayed :slight_smile:

Fully aware of the situation in China and my heart goes out to everybody affected.

I’m not asking for much, just an update. The dude I am building this board for is becoming quite agitated and asking me to look into paypal chargebacks etc…

I don’t want to do this as I have had no issues in the past.

I just would really really really like an update.

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Yeah this whole coronavirus is wreaking havoc with deliveries from China. I hope your guy understands and it works out for all parties!

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Tiny bit of hotglue inside JST connector rails so it won’t vibrate loose and you won’t ruin it if you decide it’s too edgy.

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Hi, your Order(1102) will be shipped within this week. We apologize for the delay.



Thanks @YUTW123 :+1:

But your list does not include the SV6.

Will the SV6 be ready to ship on the 17th?

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Any chance u could answer my request to please mate. Or if its not shipped offer me an alternative esc that you can ship with my remote please . Order 1087

Just wanted to check with some people here. The GND and VCC of the motor sensor matters right? I just noticed that it seems like for my motors, I have to reverse the wire order. In other words, it looks like the sensor wires are backwards?

I should say that is relative to the jst plug


Ignore me, found the post where it says it’s backwards. Lol that’s annoying but not a show stopper


dual esc just arrived today to Canada, ordered Dec 25, #1092.


Thats over 45 days in transit and that seems like the average, @YUTW123 needs a different shipping company.

Also since the locals are getting slightly restless, you should give us an whatsapp/wechat contact for you since it seems like you don’t spend much time on this forum.


Some others I’ve asked took ~3 weeks or so-- i expected delays cause of the virus, ny, and cny but yeah a little long. i got a tracking # on the 31st but didn’t get processed it seemed until late jan.

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