Luukjes pneumie rim design, interest poll in first post.

Be real tho. You helped Luuk with an design that he came to you with, obviously I don’t know the details of this arrangement, but you made them, so it was some sort of business transaction. Then a few weeks after his prototypes have been made and feedback received, you came out with your own wheel, and specifically stated it was going to be cheaper than his. From my perspective it seems that would be an obvious reason to in finding someone else to make them.


I don’t think I stated it would be cheaper. It’s totally different. I’m sorry if it looked that way. I had discussed with Luuk about keeping the production of the 3.75 wheels slow so that the 2.9 could sell properly.

Also, there was a lot that went on in the background. For the last few months Luuk and I have gone back and forth about getting these done. Just a week ago we were talking about the new version files and drawings.


yes, it has all been a misunderstanding between us, we have talked it out. This what @A13XR3 said was the same i felt, however this was not the case and i made a mistake.

@surfnacho didnt do anything wrong here. It was me who made the choice and i want to say that the wheels he is making are amazing.


Thanks Luuk. Just because the infinity wheels are cool doesn’t mean yours are not. You know I am not nearly as good at cad as you are. I had people message me specifically to make a larger wheel, and a friend who has been interested in making some esk8 products with me.

Luuk and I have talked it through. And while I do feel as though I was wronged, I am taking responsibility of my actions. I definitely could have handled it a bit better.

I definitely would appreciated if we could have talked about it beforehand, but I can understand why you could have been frustrated.

Hopefully everything goes well. There is no malicious intent from my side. Everything was transparent between the two of us, but from the outside I can see how it looks.

Those who want smaller tires, just buy these. Can’t go wrong at 180 pounds :call_me_hand:t4:


This what he said is true and we do not wish for any drama for it is not needed. We are also not gonna delete these posts because it is a part of the developement of these wheels.

This was your first sentence in the post about your hubs. I would have felt slighted, since it seems like it’s in reference to him/his design.

Glad you guys sorted it tho! I didn’t mean to stir up shit.


Ok. That plan was something totally different. We actually changed up the whole thing after that. I was planning for like a 2.9 inch $150 set which would be inferior to Luuks. Then everyone got horny for the 3.75 haha

Ur good man, just don’t want cause any drama. Luuk and I have talked it through properly and we’ll see what happens 🤷🏽


For now ive put the wheels on the backburner for a bit. They are ready for production but imma save up money so i can purchase a batch up front.


Update how have you been :call_me_hand:
weather is going to get good soon :blush:
are your hubs ever going to get made?


maaaaaake theeeeeem


Seriously he’s been grinding for almost 2years and he got the @longhairedboy approval
If he can just get the cost under 250 or just say 200 because I need tires that’s right we don’t have tires fudge :exploding_head:


if these wheels aren’t made soon, i’ll be forced to start banning random people.


At this point, it would be irresponsible for @Bavioze not to make them.


If they have spinner rims, I’m in.

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Ooh, ooh! Pick me! Pick me!


The 250 part is where is the trouble. Im still working on them actually!

Sorry its been so slow, its irritating myself aswell, but i really dont want to do pre orders etc.


I think rn one reason why they are so expensive is that i require them to be turned and then milled. So i optimized it a bit better for turning and we are checking how expensive they are rn to make.

@b264 about the spinners part, i will give the dimensions of the cap seat so that people can make their own iterations.


I’ve started banning random people. Make the wheels or the suffering continues.


The streets will flow with the lamentations of the banned. Their sorrow is heavy on your conscience.


Ill keep you posted @longhairedboy we are very close.