Looking to buy 18s bms's. LLT vs JBD? [US]

Hey everyone. I’m looking to buy a few liion 18s bms’s for a few different projects I have going on. If anyone has one they are looking to sell, lmk. Also, do you all have a preference between LLT and JBD? JBD looks to be about $20 cheaper, and they seem to be very similar (both Bluetooth too). And how necessary is Bluetooth really? It’s definitely nice to be able to monitor temps and cell voltages, but it’s not really required is it?

JBD is the manufacturer. LLT is a reseller. They are the same bms.


Oh good to know. I thought they looked similar. Might as well go with JBD if they are cheaper then I guess.


You definitely want it.

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Picked this up but ended up not needing it. Shoot me a dm if you want it. $40 plus shipping? Paid $47 for it


Thanks for the offer! I just ordered one, but I might end up needing another soon. I’ll send you a message later if you still have it.