Looking for affordable custom battery manufacturers

I’m just looking for a battery that could do a hundred amps with a 14s battery my two are flipsky 63


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Ah, well in that case, since OP doesn’t know anything about batteries, and doesn’t seem to be interested in learning by just reading and searching through this forum, I will recommend:


we recommended quite a few people to you original question from 2 weeks ago,

have you not asked them?

also, motor A ≠ battery A, and you likely won’t ever touch 100A from either for more than a split second especially on an esk8

you should instead look at what kind of range you want to expect from your board, by means of:

([14 * 3.6] * [cell capacity in Ah * .8])
(this is a rough guesstimate of your expected Wh used per mile, real value is dependent on your weight, setup, and how you ride)


Get these and figure it out yourself without blowing up ur house.

100$. And get a spot welder with the bucks u saved

And u can get the 100 or much more battery amps u think u might want with these no problem in a tiny pack. Not much range but get a fast charger and charge in 10 min

Where u specifically live n I could weld u a battery w these?

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1: these are LFP not Liion
2: this isn’t a viable option for anyone who just wants to get a battery
3: this takes more time, knowledge, effort, and money to complete
4: if done incorrectly it can pose a major fire risk

don’t do this


I disagree.
It’s pretty easy to figure out how to make a battery.

These cost a faction of ion and they’re not more money

These cells are not going to catch on fire from shorting or overcharging and they have to be punctured and even then it’s a lackluster show compared to ion and likely wouldn’t even spread to the rest of the pack

In my mind you’re safer with making a battery with these than buying an ion battery

I’ve seen many self-professed experts make a battery and it goes to flames and I’ve seen people buy batteries from reputable sellers and it goes to flames. These don’t go to flames

Except the energy density is the reason hardly anybody builds with those.


Yea they’re less energy dense but … have everything else going for them. Literally everything

you forget that customers who want a battery ≠ customers who want to BUILD a battery.

And in terms of the percent of the customer base, the former heavily outnumbers the latter


You’re forgetting I also told him Id make it if local.

I don’t know whose customer base ur talking about or what’s former or later. ( I gather ur talking about the those who want to buy vs build. … either way lifepo4 is safer and cheaper and to me it’s a shame it’s not encouraged more on a diy forum.)

Different strokes for different folks.

check out @Akbrock47. he built my battery and its been great for me!

They’re also huge and easier to blow through when welding

And lower voltage

I don’t disagree they are safer - we use LFP extensively at my day job.

The issue is that it’s not a great general recommendation to DIYers. There are some folks who are happy to build a smaller capacity, heavier pack in exchange for the added safety aspect - but that is a small minority compared to most folks who prioritize range.

Just the reality of the situation imo.


I hope you stopped building batteries like this


Yes I do packs at a good price and I have a thread showing off my work


Like what specifically? If whoever I sold that battery has a problem with it they’re free to return it. Do they?

@DerelictRobot its more than safety where lifepo4 are better and while there’s some high power ion cells out there I don’t think any compare to A123 for putting out amps, but the biggest benefit which is very noticeable is the discharge curve of ion sucks compared to lifepo4. When ur actually riding and not analyzing from the keyboard about weight or mass lifepo4 performs better.

I believe he’s referring to the solder points incredibly close to the cells. I would also like to point out that there are minimal series connections so this battery would only be good to like ~30A

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I build batteries based on how many amps a customer tells me they will use and add nickel accordingly. @xsynatic who’s battery is it and how many amps did they say it would use? I also stack nickel obsessively well and hard to tell there are layers. This pic looks like I used a narrower strip on top of a thicker:

You can see how hidden the stack can be here:

I see nothing wrong with a soldered on balance wire there. I don’t see any others balance wires and don’t know what battery this is so can’t say.

Can just see some stacked layers.

If ur going to insult my building you need to bring all the info @xsynatic. Hope u don’t just post imoji and run.