Hi I’m Alice(not Alice), and I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole.
I picked up a consumer board about a month back and somehow ended up here wanting to build my own board(s)!
For my first build I’m going to be electrocuting an Omakase Roe with a 12s5p Molicel 21700 p42a that I’m also going to build myself. First time for everything, here we go!
Well it’s a bunch of bones at the moment, not even a skeleton. Parts waiting to be ordered, parts arriving from China, but I’ll post the mess that is Up in Smoke.
P.S. I don’t actually have a cells so I am making do.
Does anyone have experience with these pulleys or this company in general? Aluminum Flywheel Pulley – ElectricBoardSolutions I’m looking for a pulley system to fit my BKB Caliber II trucks. Also, if you know the length of the M6 screws so I can order custom. Cheers.
Don’t use calibur trucks. I’d look at boardnamics 184’s. They’re far superior to caliburs and don’t break the bank. Lots of mount and pulley options with that drivetrain as well.
Pro tip- where possible, buy all your drivetrain parts from the same vendor. This ensures everything will work as it should.