Logo bad or good?! - y/n? (poll)

I’m not one for being impartial


Let me page @Underoath888 here he might have a different opinion now that he has (hopefully) spent the past weeks reading.

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Your poll is tedious and argumentative. Learn to recognize when someone is using humor to make a point and maybe don’t be so judgmental.

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You are late to the party on this one. Ha.

Proceed here:

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Or that I just like to see some correct data.

And regarding being judgemental. It’s Kellag, how can I not be…haha.


For me to buy it TODAY, I’d want a vendor to have the product TODAY.

I’m looking forward to seeing your decks and enclosures on the shelf :+1:


Time for a new Torqueboards logo.

How much bigger do you want the logo? We scaling it! Jk :crazy_face:


I thought I was beloved :pleading_face::disappointed_relieved:

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Oh we all do. Just like to give back a little bit of what you dish out :rofl:

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I love that :heart:

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I have an immense distaste for large logos. It feels tacky to me. I understand people wanting to get their word out from a business perspective i.e. easy to recognize and identify a product, go home, buy product. But, to me, it just compares to a dog marking its territory. Nobody is fond of it but its just what dogs do and we live with it.


Kellag should get the special edition of the drop deck. It’s all logo


yes, if its integrated and not slapped on


Some logos look nice and dont mind repping them


Logo or not to me very much comes down to the design itself.

If it looks good I’m ok with even a big a33 logo.
If it’s not so aesthetic, it’d better be as little visible as possible.

The Ollin deck with its over the top sized logo, for example, is a beauty to me.
The Hoyt Boards on the other hand, have beautifully carved out decks and enclosures, but the logo adds nothing imo.
TB (never owned any of your products) I believe have quality stuff, but the logo doesn’t bring any extra bling the products. Love the look of the cnc trucks, but they’re lacking a bad ass logo.
Ronin trucks look great as well with their logo.


So as long as everyone (including myself?) is bashing @torqueboards, I’d like to add that I really like the lightning bolt badge. I think it’s the kind of logo that can really add to the aesthetics, but I’m not sure I’d go “Louis Vuitton” and plaster the product in it, lol.

PS: also, if the product is solid, like the TB18’s I tend not to care about how it looks, now that I think about it👍


Personally, I don’t give a flying fuck about the logo. How is the quality and how does it look. A logo can add to the design.

And the TB logo looks like it took about 2 minutes… hmmmmm, electric skateboards? Electric =Lightning bolt. Put it on a badge. Hey??? The logo kinda looks like a board with a lighting bolt. Perfect…call it a day

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Small logo or maybe a badge like cars have.
Not a rolling billboard. Jmo.


We are designing our boards to where you would recognize the board by how it looks rather than the logo(Much like an apple product). A lot of that comes down to theme, board shape and appeal. Then again a small minimalistic logo wouldn’t hurt right?

Scale that shit. Easier for me too cutout for my RGB logo on the enclosure