Loaded Vanguard 38” 12S2P carbon

This is my last build in progress

  • Loaded Vanguard 38”
  • 12S2P molicel 21700 P45B
  • Maker X Go FOC DV4s
  • hub motor 90mm
  • costume 3D printed wrapped Carbon fiber

At first I was planing to do single motor
Belt drive
But I remember I hed some old hub motor so I I go with that


Here some pictures of the skinning process


How did you tuck the layup for the battery enclosure? Theres some pretty complex geometries there lol.


It was very difficult And if you can see closely, there are some minor defect, but overall I’m happy Next week, I will do the smaller enclosure and that will be more tricky :skull_and_crossbones:

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this is super impressive! For a while, I was considering making a 3d printed mold and creating some small GF enclosures for an 18s1p and a makerx D100s (split)


I have a little experience with 3D printed mold from PETG
And I have mixed feelings about it
It kind works but not great
At least for my experience but it also was the first time so take it for what it’s worth
Also after 2 applications it broke on me :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This it the process In death


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I did a deck swap to a Loaded Vanguard a few years ago. The big decision was on how to run the wire between the battery and ESC.

Some people choose to router a grove in the deck and hide the wire under grip tape (like a Boosted Board), but I chose to keep the factory grip and ran the wire externally. My thinking was, I can always router a grove in the future if I ever change my mind.

Little progress
See if the vesc fits in the 3D printed enclosure
Looks good so far. Next on
Vesc carbon skinning
And Fitting the Battery case on the deck


Makes X Go FOC Dv4s look very good
And tinny as f*** hahaha
He’d little problem to connect it to vesc tool with Version 6.02
On Mac OS
So I vas told to use 3.01 and I could not don’t it to Mac OS so switch to windows and it works just fine


After sanding the first layer epoxy
With 120 grid sand paper
Adding 3 layer 2 hour between each lever
Than let it dry fully (24h)
Sanding again with 120 grid sand paper
And after with 240 grid
Than the last fin layer of epoxy
Let it dry 24h and tomorrow is the finish
Unfortunately I have defect on the front of the part :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: but the beck is good lol
I smelling Test ride this weekend :nose::crazy_face:


Carbon skinning finally finish :partying_face:

Now I need to do the cable from the battery to the vesc channel… I have 8 AWG wires and I think it’s a little too much any thoughts? )the max continues discharge will be 50 amp With peak 90amp)


8AWG would definitely be on the overkill side for that kind of power draw. Nothing wrong with using it of course, but it’d be a bit more difficult to route lol.

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cupper.pdf (538.4 KB)

Thinking of changing to this cable
Does anyone have experience with them? According to the table, it seems that sufficient currents are held
And the channel for the cable will also damage the board less

I’d go with 10awg and call it a day. The only benefit to 8awg is you’d be lowering the overall impedance which your esc will ultimately like. It’s not alleviating a bottleneck though.


Damn, looking really good. What motors? I see u wrote hubs but looks like you got belt drive train set up

Right now I’m probably going to do it with the 90mm Hub motors I hav on hand but there’s a good chance I’ll upgrade to belt drive or even gear drive time will tell …

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Here’s my diy. Ngl, ur enclosure looks cooler.

12s3p 50s cells
Flipsky 140a esc
Flipsky BH 6354 140 kv motors
Hoyt whysir trucks
Exway flex deck
Cloudwheel 110R