Loaded Orangatang 105 "Dad Bod"

It’s a glass filled core, it’s been mentioned a couple times in the videos.

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Fuck watching videos.

Bringing this back to the top because of discussion of the new cool Radium rubber wheels. I know these Dad bods fit standard Kegel core, and they also have their new “tryptocore” pattern. Does anyone make pulleys that fit this mega-kegel trypto pattern? Would be cool to get a set that fits both the trypto and standard kegel patterns at the same time for max interfacing (prob wrong word here) but it’s probably also pretty overkill

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I think a pulley to fit both would just be standard kegel? If you added extra spokes for the outer ring they’d interfere with the core of a normal cag or kegel


Yeah basically I didn’t know if there were pulleys out for the new mega Kegel pattern yet, and just thinking out loud wondered if anyone would make any that had pegs for ALL the holes. Like, way too many


I don’t think there are, haven’t seen any yet. If I had to guess there won’t be until at least one other wheel is out there. Maybe the new MADEsk8 one haha