Little FOCer! 84V 5kW VESC-Based Controller

Not yet

thank you for the information

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What’s the current ratings of these modules


I updated the specs of the first post for the V3. You’re thermal management has to be on point though to get these current numbers reliably.


V3 FOCer OW export step.STEP (3.4 MB)


Anyone following this cut more off. You want flat on all sides.

I think I did this right.
My concerns about metal dust getting on the ESC may or maybe not warranted.

Any input?

I’m thinking you’ll need the thermal pad, or pads, to reach out past the ends of the FETs. With the mounting holes practically off the pads you aren’t pulling the FETs straight down onto the pad and sink, you’re torquing them at an angle. This reduces the pressure on the pad at the end away from the screw hole and increases the thermal resistance of the pad (increasing the FET temp).

I’d also recommend using standard round or pan head screws. Those flat head screws are pushing out sideways as much as they are pulling the board down. This stresses the board and lowers your clamping pressure.

Screw down all six FETs evenly too.


Yep things I should fix before even bench testing makes sense.

I will cut the small thermal pad I got to make it cover all fets completely.

Hardware store only had this kind. I could take the recommended screws off a dead esc but they were a tad short. Is the little nylon washer really not solving that issue though? it is hard to see there. I thicker one would seem to me to make these countersunk screws act as button heads.

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Perhaps, but standard screws would be the best…no wondering. :slightly_smiling_face:

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If you want metric stuff in the USA, you order it online.

It’s just what you do.


Has anyone ever tried loading a configuration XML via TCP connection through the VESC Tool Desktop to an Android with VESC Tool Mobile? It seems like the loading doesn’t quite go through and the communication hangs. Doing this via USB works just fine.

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Like backup and restore?

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Sort of. But the XML file was generated on the desktop. And then trying to apply that to a controller via TCP to an Android that’s connected to the controller is where things go wrong.

Wish there was a way to directly load an XML into the VESC Tool Mobile like how how the full program does it.

Ah I see. Would a workaround be to backup on the computer then maybe edit it then put it where the android app looks for backup files to restore?

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Maybe. Are backup files particular to a certain controller or can they be used for many controllers?

They are. Maybe you can put the controller’s id in the file first. Hopefully it’s a text file and not binary.

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You can buy almost anything from McMaster-Carr.

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I’ve done this 100s of times on my LFOCv1 and on CFOC2s - never any issues. Backup/restore as well as hand-crafted XML files. Motor and App config.

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how much current can be drawn on the 5v rail just wondering if I need something else for led lights.


Not alot, use a stepdown converter instead of compromising the voltagerail of the controller