Limiting all programs to a set speed

It was simple for me to like? :joy:

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Just curious - if your remote allows multiple profiles are these settings you can apply to different profiles? I’d like to have a slow profile for younger kids and such when they ride but I’m not sure the best way to accomplish this with the VESC Tool.

For speed limits - maybe just change the profile on your remote if you’re confronted by the police? Seems crazy to have such a strict speed limit - doubt they have anything like that for bicyclists.

Remote profiles only change power levels, not top speeds.

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When I look at the real time data when benching my board and calculate the top speed from the erpm shown in the vesc tool, I will get the same speed when riding it? I have limited the speed via lowering the duty cycle as you suggested,

Maybe not exactly but close enough, sure.

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I will test it, im considering buying a metr to have multiple profiles. But maybe you could answer another question I have. I have bypassed the BMS by removing the -P wire and adding it to the -B so I am only charging through the BMS, but will regenerative breaking still charge the battery correctly?

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I love this forum. I totally forgot about the ERPM and braking issue and didn’t even think about limiting the duty cycle. I’ve been thinking about limiting my builds to 35mph.


When I am hitting my max duty cycle the motors starts trembeling, anyone might know why?

What are your settings?

25% max
22% cut off start

10s3 Battery
60 A motor
-60 A motor

24 A battery per esc
-13.5 battery per esc

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The problem ended up being using BLDC commutation mode, switching to FOC fixed it.

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Please only use the profiles to limit speeds and power. You can pair you board to the phone, so that a third party won’t get wireless access without your phone. Profiles use a dynamic dutycycle current limit, according to speed setting. They will ramp down power/ torque output before hittin the defined top speed.

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Those only work in certain circumstances though, no?

On an ESC without wireless for example, you can’t use them.

Assumptions are bad, especially assuming all batteries can output 99A per motor safely.

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he did do a good meme tho, was ontopic

of course they can! just for that short period before fire everything is fine.

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Are you assuming all esk8 are 2wd :joy:


Touché; fixed :metal:

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Well, you add a wireless NRF dongle…
Average batt amps are typically pretty low anyways. Do some logging and see how many amps flow over a time x. And everyone is free to adjust limits during the wizard setup.
That topic has nothing to do with profiles in general. The new upcoming VESC-Tool has parts of the mobile UI integrated, including profiles.

I think there are much more sane defaults, and shouldn’t the default be a safer option and not a more performance/dangerous setting?

You can always turn it up if you know what you’re doing. If you don’t know what you’re doing, then you don’t know to turn it down.


What’s the actual code responsible for this?

Looking at profiles mentioned by Trampa I see ERPM limits being changed, not dutycycle current limits?
Maybe I’m completely wrong though, a technical explanation would be nice.