Lightweight Build: Advice on Motors and Drive Systems

Hi everyone,

I’m planning a lightweight shortboard build, aiming to keep it under 7 kg. I bought a DOT Board and instantly fell in love with its lightweight and portability. Unfortunately, the weak, dodgy motors and the horrible controller were big letdowns.

That’s why I want to rebuild the board to make it better. I’m aiming for something that’s almost as lightweight but also super comfortable, so I can hit cracks in the road without fear. It should still be easy to carry—something I can take on the train, pop into the shops with, or carry around town without my arm going numb.

Things I have decided on:

  • Dotboard deck 31in
  • 12s 1p Samsung 50s pack (but I’m open to changing this if you don’t think I’ll get the range or there is a better option)
  • 105 MAD Wheels
  • Top speed of 30kms
  • Range of 12kms to 18kms

My main question is about motor choice. I’m torn between 6355, 5045, or 5055 motors. Are the smaller motors significantly lighter, and would they offer more range? I’m aiming for a top speed of 30 km/h with ok torque, but not crazy. I’m concerned that the 5045 or 5055 might struggle with the wheel size.

I currently have a set of Bordmatics 220mm trucks with M1 gear drives (would have to buy 184’s the 220’s are too wide, but I’m also looking at Tynee 7-inch trucks with motor mounts and belts. The build needs to be light and comfortable, so I’m weighing the trade-offs between these options. The gear drives claim a 15% greater range than belt drives, but I’m wondering if the weight trade-off is worth it and if they actually give you 15% more range.

Thanks in advance for your help.

  1. What’s the weight difference between 6355 and 5045/55?
  2. Will the 5045/55 get better range?
  3. Will the gear drives actually get 15% more range over belts?
  4. Any specific motor recommendations would also be appreciated :slight_smile:

A photo of the dot board with the boardmatics 220’s on the front lol.

50xx motors don’t fit on m1 drives. Just get some flipsky 6355 and call it a day

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Yeah I know I should have mentioned that. But I’m worried about the weight.

I think I’ll go well over 7kg with 340g gear drives.

This build was right smack at 6 kilos. You might wanna do single drive to save weight. If not, dual drive 5055 belt drive or something along those lines work too. Try to stick to a shorter hangar like BN 184

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Do a single belt drive with 6354.

Note the Flipsky ones that are not battle hardened are way lighter than the battle hardened ones.

I have tried single drive with the smaller motors and it sucks.

I would also consider Blue Caguamas over the Mad 105 (both are great wheels.

I get about 5-7 miles out of my 12S1P P45B pack.

Narrow trucks are lighter too… These are BN 145s.




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Bro! That thing is dope!
We need to start a superlight build community.

How much does that one weigh?


13.6 lbs / 6.2 kg


Sick! Thank you

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