I want to buy/build a high-performance esk8 board, more of a carver than an out and out Emtb, but with the possibility to race next year’s Outlaw series.
We need:
Sex Appeal:
Your options are:
LaCroix Nazare
Kaly XL2.0
Let me spend your money, Kook, and this is what I would build (described in detail in a post below)
I think @DerelictRobot is close with his Lovechild build.
If you manage to get Gears on the hyper trucks, you’d have such a good board.
Thats if you want a challenge, if not, i’d probably opt for Nazare.
12s5p of 30Q, or 12s4p of 30T/40T cells.
Landyachtz Evo 40/Subsonic century with Eboosted enclosures
Avio Herringbone gear drives MK2 with Kahua precision trucks, and Bergmeisters
VESC6, maybe the new TB 6.64 if it works out to be reliable.
I loved that deck. Got to ride it before and after the Lacroix and highly preferred it. I’d build a Kaly with mbs matrix trucks or similar urethane shock blocks.
I’m about 30lbs heavier and a couple of inches taller and have a retracted penis, do you think your light-weight had anything to do with the Nazare’s handling?
If you were given a Nazare, what would YOU do to makeit more to your liking?