Lacroix Introduces: The Barrel

Lacroix advertises that 18s3p instead of 12s4p leads to less heat generated. Definitely true, but can someone smart quantify the significance? is this a game-changer or is it fairly unimportant

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What are you hoping to have quantified? Motor temp reduction? Potential efficiency gains?

Just curious.

no idea tbh. I’d imagine motor and ESC temp is reduced but thats it. I was wondering if there would be any significant differences in feeling and performance of the 12s and 18s barrels.

Going out on a limb here… but as long as the motor kv and gearing are adjusted for the higher voltage, there would be almost no difference in feel. Maybe a bit less voltage sag during acceleration, but that’s it.

Start from a stop can be different, especially if unsensored/HFI, when switching to a higher Kv + higher ratio — or a lower Kv and a lower ratio.

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It kind of depends. I think the 18s one will be significantly quicker

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I did qualify my original post that the “feel” was dependent on motor kv and gearing. Quickness would fall into that category.

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With stock config, it’s quicker on 200mm tires (45mph max), but it’s slower on 160mm tires (32mph max). I haven’t checked the math, but that’s what lacroix advertises.

That would be faster, not quicker

The 160mm tires is way quicker, but sacrifices top speed a lot


It’s unimportant if you’re not overheating motors on 12s. Generally speaking a higher voltage system will push less amps to the motors to achieve the same watts (power). In theory, less amps = less over heating. This is a little overly simplistic because it ignores the fact that the 130kv motor has higher resistance in the windings than a 190kv motor, so it somewhat negates the benefits gained by pushing less amps.

The good thing about high voltage that isn’t really debatable anymore is that it lets you push more watts. More watts = higher performance.



Best of luck to anyone dumb enough to buy these boards today. My lonestar esc has been out of service all of 2023, and half of 2022. At least it had good resale value.
Good riddance.

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