Issue connecting Flipsky VX2 on Vesc tool

This is the PPM mapping tool. Go into the NRF tool. This is a uart remote

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Great I’ll try that tomorrow and will report back, this is something I didn’t try today so I have hopes

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Did you ever got it to work? Im having the same issues, switched the tx and rx wires and still nothing

I had to switch to a vx1, never tried the last solution I was recommended

Try this solution

Which cables were inverted? Green and orange or which colors? I’m dealing with this right now

I’m not 100% sure, but yes I think does are the ones

Yea I rewired it n presto worked great

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Good for you
Hope you start riding soon

Anybody figure this out? I had the VX2 working with a early stormcore 100D. No issues. Got the stormcore upgraded to version 2 so I could have the second uart working. Now VX2 does not work.

Pair works. I can even see speed on the remote when I turn the wheels by hand. But no throttle

EDIT: I’m on firmware 5.03

Ok, figured it out l. UART was set to none instead of current

Hello everyone

i had the same probleme, beetween Vesc 6.6 mini and remote Vx2

after test all your advices, nothing works…

i found the answer on the web site…:confused:

don’t instal the new firmware…

==> see web site


Warm tips:

It is recommended to keep firmware 5.2 from factory ship, the new firmware upgrade may damage the ESC.


I hope it will help some of you

good luck