Is DIY right for you?

Look you can be the new guy in the locker room that cries when someone snapped a towel at him or you can be one of the boys and fire back and laugh about it later.
A lot of us hang out here every day and just f*** with each other.
It’s a community. Have thick skin and you’ll be laughing about it later.


Noted. :+1:t4:


admittedly this forum’s search bar is no where near as helpful as the .builders


Yeah this post was crafted on builders.

But I have been too lazy and haven’t adopted it to this site yet.


I think a glossary of esk8 terms would be a very helpful post. I knew what I was trying to ask as a noob but used horribly wrong terminology trying to describe it.


@mmaner made some excellent articles that would be required reading in “Building Esk8s 101” at any institution for higher learning.

Check em out.


After we talk $h!t to you we will help woth questions its all part of the experience. :joy::joy:


I second this. I had to read random build threads to figure out how to search and ask the right questions.
@Sender is right pretty much search @mmaner and resd through his articles and build logs and you’ll k ow just about everything. I took it one step further and pmed nmaner pretty regularly aming others and I can say these degenerates have helped me so much this last year.

You can tell I learned from mmaner hence all the typos on my replies


Agreed, honestly.

Either dig deep by yourself and get the basics so you don’t sound like an asshole, or take a bit of ribbing.

I chose to learn quietly (and sending @Kaly stupid fucking questions like “what is the difference between 6374 and 6355”… which he answered with elegance and grace).

We all start somewhere. But doing your own due diligence goes a long way with a tight nit and seasoned community.

Do it right, and you are welcomed with open arms.

Be an asshole, and we are cold motha fuckas.


Fresh meat?

1 Like

As a little frenchie, I had to look it up…

Guess I’m getting old…or is it @Bobby who’s getting old. Age is getting me confused :crazy_face:


This is one of the foremost informative threads you can ever read on a forum so it pains me to see cliquey elitist shit going on.
@J0ker you’re a mod. Take a knee cadet.
@Flasher. think you have made your point.
@mmaner think we might be related
@Sender Think I love you
@jxslepton read and learn. Read and learn. Ask questions when it inevitably goes wrong.


Have you been drinking again?

1 Like

“Again” implies he stops at one point


Thats cause he does. Granted its to swap bottles, he still stops.


I’m all for a good derail but there are some threads I will not play around with. This is one of them.


@Dareno Understandable.
Back on topic
I chose to study and read for 2 full years while riding a maverix before jumping in the DIY scene. If all goes well (it better or I’m gonna flip a table) this build will be functional by the end of the week. My honest opinion would be this:
If you dont know what it is, read about it.
If you think you’ve read enough, try it. Then read again when it fails. After 2 years, I’m still learning from everyone here :slight_smile:


hey Justin can you take a look at the glossary i posted to see if there are any items you think may be missing or needs correcting.


This is exactly what I was talking about! Great work man, seriously. This will be very helpful to a lot of people and will be linked quite often I’m sure.

I think the best next step going forward is proper markdown formatting.

Great Markdown tutorial everyone should do

Ideally, main and nested sub categories like this:


  1. Vesc

The device is the brain of your board.

  • Motor Max Amps

Set by your motor current rating etc

  • Battery Max Amps

Set by cell chemistry, p groups, etc

  1. Battery

  • Configurations

  • Cell types

  1. BMS

Annoying to format when not on a computer haha


Mathmatical! Appreciate the quick meaningful feedback! Initially my intent was to pile on mike’s builder and math series with a few reference-able terms listed below links to his posts. I agree with your point; the post should maintain appropriate formatting to make it easier to use and greater value add to the community. Thanks again for taking the time to review; i’ll find time this weekend to clean up the formatting