Introduce Yourself and Share Your Plans (SERIOUS)

Perfect mindset to have. So glad you’re not the “no my plan is right and I’m doing it no matter what you say” type.

Just for reference, I came to the forum wanting to upgrade this:


And was awestruck that there were so many levels higher I should be shooting for. I’d go to the build of the year thread and start reading through the nominee threads.

There’s generally (and arguably) 4 types of builds:

  1. Urethane short board - smaller, commuter, cheapest
  2. Urethane long board - speedy, carvey, connected
  3. Pneumatic longboard - speedy, carvy, kushy
  4. Mountainboard - all, fucking, terrain

Hi everyone. My name’s Mark. I’ve been lurking on your forum for little over a month now. Just finally made an account. Im really new to esk8ing. I’ve always had a passion for skateboarding on trick boards but that was years ago. Life kinda happened and got busy. I just bout my first esk8 board for commuting to work. First time I rode it was a blast. Instantly fell in love with this new hobby. I’m wanting to mod it and make it a little more rugged. I work for a CNC machine shop as an operator and Im mechanically inclined but am not good when it comes to electric stuff. So I’m hoping to learn from you guys. I’m very fascinated with some of the builds I’ve seen from you guys so far. I’m on a budget tho and I have a few ideas for my first DIY build but for now I just want to improve my board for commuting and have fun with it. While I save some money up and I hope you guys will welcome me into the community here


Pro tip, get her hooked, buy one for her this will ease your future :grin:


Truth! My wife rode my first board and said I should let her have that one and make another…

I had already been working on board #2 for months :sweat_smile:



What was your first board just fancy knowing

Also working and having a chance to use a cnc can be massive in esk8 for aesthetics and budget

There are multiple parts that can be cnced and if you are any good at designing can make you board look awesome :sunglasses:


I know some of your guys would probably laugh. But I have a dual motor 1800w Benchwheel board. All of the components have been put on a short cruiser deck with a kicktail witch I like. With a makeshift looking plexy glassed battery enclosure. For a China board its really not a bad starter board in my opinion And I also have a swag board that I’m fixing for the kids. Would post a pic of it but don’t know how to yet. I dont have a computer. Just my phone. I’m going to go pick up another off brand board today for the 6s4p lifepo4 battery so I can maybe double its range


We all start somewhere, and I still have a slightly upgraded Meepo in the corner.

I bumped your account so you can post and add pictures freely. I will add a screenshot in a minute to show how to add images.


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Select this to add photos.


Hi guys, i’m Jacopo from Italy, and i’m building my first own skateboard.
Actually im riding with an evolve bamboo gt, but it’s not enought for me.
Hopre the learn a lot on this coooool foum



Hi Jacopo-

Glad you joined us. There’s a lot of great information and people here to help. Let me know via PM if you have any questions.


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Thanks so much @BillGordon


i read this as “pro tip, get a hooker…” fuckin dead.


Well, I’m a mechanical engineering major who got into electric skateboarding as a way of getting around campus, and I’m hoping to use my knowledge in 3d printing and CAD to design some parts to help upgrade my boosted board haha. Cheers all!


That is for sure


Hi Guys I have been a long boarder for well, long. I skated around India & Thailand 20 years ago on a Buddha Board equipped with the ‘convert any skate board with the 100mm High tractor wheels & raiser kit’ Im 53 now and don’t bounce like I used to & don’t regularly skate cause I run 2 business & aint got much time. So I got me a second hand ‘HELVEI Motorised SmartMove Longboard Skateboard with Rechargeable Battery Pack, Dual Motors 1800 W unfortunately the remotes battery didn’t last long at all. I have tried replacing the battery (well soldering another one on the inside the housing but soldering is not my thing & have tried to get other remotes to match up with the board to no avail. Can anyone tell me whats the best remote to buy for this? Ps Helvei sell thru amazon etc & have never got back to me when trying to contact them, hell I even said I would buy 100 boards off them to get a response but nothing came back!


Hey RocketRobs-

Welcome to the forums. I have bumped your account so you won’t be limited in posting or messaging.

As for your remote, it’s hard to say because the brand is somewhat obscure. Can you post pictures of your remote and your motor controller (ESC)? Please post in the noob thread that is linked above to get the most help.


Hello Y’all i’m dan. i’m from pa. i am a 15 year old student in hershey Pa. i built my first board about a year ago and i’ve fallen in love. now i’m working on revamping my first board and mabye starting an insane tayto build. i’ve been here for a little while. and i love it here. if your truly new here…keep wrenching… that first ride on a board you built is the greatest feeling ever. and if you’ve got good memes, please pm me i love a wholesome meme. sooooo yeah. this is getting akward. i’ll see y’all topside.


by the way i’m still a member sooooo…feel free to bump me. just saying. Lol😂

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You gotta be more attive bro, member is where you will be at untill you meet the discourse requirements

When did this come about huhhhhh :joy::joy::joy: lets Finish up your board first :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Tayto gang

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