insanity: 4wd lean mean speed machine

Depends, a two ton car producing 550hp per ton is 1100hp which in reality is insane for a factory car

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yeah def
guess weight is a huge factor but the engine is one of the heavier components soā€¦ you gotta get the right balance

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well thanks to @itsmeOli i got all the nickel i needed and finished welding
then i protected the pack and have just started soldering
first 7 p groups soldered and gotta finish off the last few today and then i have the fun of the balance leads


pics please so we can give you tech tips :wink:

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look in the battery builders thread plenty of my pics there

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Kinda off topic but is there a reason some phones have that watermark on the bottom right? Like can you turn it off or is a permanent fixture?


nah you can turn it off i just cant be bothered doing it.
its just a way for the companies to get free advertisement when people share pics


itā€™s so that people donā€™t have to ask ā€œwhat potato did you shoot this on?ā€ because it already says


Iā€™m by absolutely no means an expert but i feels like they donā€™t have a good bond.


Yep was told and heated them up and added a bunch more solder to them
Thanks man


try doing it with like a hair dryer keeping the nickel hotā€¦ it will flow great.


solder melts at hair dryer temp?
thanks for the tip though got a couple more to do and @skyart gave an awesome video of how to solder them

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Nickel sheds heat really well. what temperature is the room you are soldering in?

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dunno spare room next door to me with window that i open for ventialtion so usually around 20-25 degrees celcius

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Solder sure donā€™t melt at 25 deg

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well i doubt my rooms getting to 200c
dunno how hot the hair dryer gets

Hair dryers and hot air guns pre-heat the nickel and solder blob. This means less heat is needed from the soldering gun/pencil and makes it easier to solder the joint.

Always keep all heat away from the cells though. Go fast.


ah i see
thought it would just be easier to just use the soldering iron
what sort of temp do you think i can easily heat cells to

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I donā€™t understand the question. Heating cells to 60Ā°C heats them toā€¦ummā€¦

Place the hot air gun or hair dryer directly on the nickel, heat it FAST. Then lift a bit, preferably with something holding the dryer in place, and start soldering FAST.


k i see i meant how high should i set the hair dryer to? how hot can i get my cells without damaging

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