insanity: 4wd lean mean speed machine

yeah quite into car shows and stuff and recently saw that the worlds top supercars produce like 550 bhp per ton which really suprised me that it was so low.

Depends, a two ton car producing 550hp per ton is 1100hp which in reality is insane for a factory car

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yeah def
guess weight is a huge factor but the engine is one of the heavier components so… you gotta get the right balance

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well thanks to @itsmeOli i got all the nickel i needed and finished welding
then i protected the pack and have just started soldering
first 7 p groups soldered and gotta finish off the last few today and then i have the fun of the balance leads


pics please so we can give you tech tips :wink:

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look in the battery builders thread plenty of my pics there

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Kinda off topic but is there a reason some phones have that watermark on the bottom right? Like can you turn it off or is a permanent fixture?


nah you can turn it off i just cant be bothered doing it.
its just a way for the companies to get free advertisement when people share pics


it’s so that people don’t have to ask “what potato did you shoot this on?” because it already says


I’m by absolutely no means an expert but i feels like they don’t have a good bond.


Yep was told and heated them up and added a bunch more solder to them
Thanks man


try doing it with like a hair dryer keeping the nickel hot… it will flow great.


solder melts at hair dryer temp?
thanks for the tip though got a couple more to do and @skyart gave an awesome video of how to solder them

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Nickel sheds heat really well. what temperature is the room you are soldering in?

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dunno spare room next door to me with window that i open for ventialtion so usually around 20-25 degrees celcius

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Solder sure don’t melt at 25 deg

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well i doubt my rooms getting to 200c
dunno how hot the hair dryer gets

Hair dryers and hot air guns pre-heat the nickel and solder blob. This means less heat is needed from the soldering gun/pencil and makes it easier to solder the joint.

Always keep all heat away from the cells though. Go fast.


ah i see
thought it would just be easier to just use the soldering iron
what sort of temp do you think i can easily heat cells to

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I don’t understand the question. Heating cells to 60°C heats them to…umm…

Place the hot air gun or hair dryer directly on the nickel, heat it FAST. Then lift a bit, preferably with something holding the dryer in place, and start soldering FAST.