Infinity Logger (iLogger) - Micro SD, GPS, WIFI, CAN, UART, Tool App

LLt smart bms has uart but no can


LTT smart bms is UART only, but maybe there is a slight chance the this device could handle it. Would mean a lot because I see more and more ppl using it!

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Who’s up for a group buy for Europe? We’ll save a lot on shipping and maybe even get group discount :rofl:

No but seriously, if @WavRX can handle that, I definitely want to set it up. Shipping an envelope to the rest of EU is dirty cheap here in Belgium.


Where is this project located? I used to be a metr user but they won’t ship to the US right now…

Paypal has higher fees :sweat: Stripe is much better.

I will look into that, I have never went through their documentation, if it has UART then maybe there is a chance we can interface it.

Shipping from Texas through USPS.


I don’t like entering my credit card info into lots of sites, so i use paypal as a layer of protection.


I get that but isn’t that what a credit card is for? :stuck_out_tongue: I mean any issue, your bank should be able to resolve it for you

Ordered one!


Wondering how this will interact with dual escs using say current FW 5 or even just unity using older OG firmware.

A bit of a headstart… I think lol.


thanks for considering my feedback about the gps module. i personally prefer the update rate that the u-blox binary format offers. nmea sentences don’t cut it on multirotor controllers, but that kind of update rate may not be needed on a skateboard

i think it would be helpful to know the actual ppm value being reported by the radio receiver to the esc. that way, when there are issues of out-of-control boards, it is easier to pinpoint whether the aberrant behaviour came from the esc or from the radio system
for example…
photo courtesy of @Venom121212


Following the suggestions I received so far, I improved the hardware design and functionality, making it more robust while maintaining the same compact size.

I added two 4 pins parallel CAN but ports for easy chaining, and separated it from the UART port.

  • I added a voltage regulator to make it easy to plug and play into a CAN port, this way it only needs 4 wires (5v, CANH, CANL and GND) to self power up.

  • Added a GPS 4 pins serial port, with plans to support several GPS modules.

  • 3 LEDs (power, activity, and WIFI) indicators.

iLogger1 iLogger2 iLogger3


Placed an order. :+1:


@WavRX, so we should already be pass the 20 orders right? Can we start production? :sweat_smile:

For that matter who’s ordered one?

  • I have
  • I’m waiting for samples and testers first

0 voters

Also sorry if this came out as pushy, just very excited! I need a win after the Neoboxes

@annihil8ted Didn’t get to 20 yet, but I have already finalized the design, updated the BOM list, and submitted it to get a quote and start first run production.

If you guys have any more hardware adjustments or suggestions let me know, because I’m most likely giving it a go in 1 to 2 days max.


Awww bummer, was hoping for more interest but I think people are probably more cautious after the Neobox ordeal

Speaking of which, typically products have a testing and beta period. Do you plan on having one?

Or they already have a metr pro or don’t have 60 bucks haha


True, I guess this is also aimed for the US since Europe has metr


Since we’re going all the way, and already have a GPS…

Could we get a SIM module so that we can send a text message to our boards to find out their location in case they get stolen?


I have my $5 bluetooth module holding me over right now, I will pick up one of these as soon as I am able though

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that is actually great idea! Gps tracker too. And I am quite sure people would want something like that.

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