Meepo Parts for Sale!

bro can you stop making sales threads? Just make a single thread and update it.


It would be different if the stuff sold, but it hasn’t lol


Please tell me this isn’t the same dead unity


It’s another dead unity he found under his bed /s


You can buy a brand new Meepo V3 for $399.99 - complete and not missing any parts direct from the manufacturer with a full warranty.

And where’s the picture of the Unity that is included in this sale? Is this also the Unity that is throwing DRM faults?

These sales threads of yours are kind of turning into a meme at this point…

Edit: I just realized @landonkun said the same thing on another thread. So that makes it officially a meme:

Lastly - why is this ‘incomplete’ Meepo being sold for more than your ‘complete’ Meepo? Are these two different boards?


Yes it is “that” unity. I have it priced to sell. $400 shipped. Including a $110 unity. And $60 shipping.

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Yes, two different boards. This one comes with my Unity in the package. Also, this price includes shipping. I need the cash so I’m having to sell. If you have any other strategies to sell these things, please advise.


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I disagree. It’s not a particularly good deal


You are all over the place. You just wrote back to back comments conflicting each other. So the $60 shipping from the above comment is now gone and included in the $400 price? And were you planning on disclosing that the Unity was throwing DRM faults, or including a picture per sales thread rules?

Not sure anyone here is going to be buying these … As you likely have learned by now but GLWTS.

I think @shuttershock may have the best advice here


Lol no one here is going to buy it after all this anyway

I stress my point I had before, who wants to buy a broken unity anyway


…so its the same price as a new one, but used, missing the front truck, and comes with a broken unity? In my opinion, you’re better off parting this out, but if you want it to sell fast stop talking about the unity and drop the price down some more.
Edit: hit up some specifically meepo riders, they probably would be more interested, spare parts and all.


Shipping is included in the price.


in the span of 1hr, price has dropped 25usd already. i will come back tomorrow night and see free stuff?
still don’t want that unity tho unless u pay me to take it


I offered 60 but he has a better plan to scam

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Priced to sell usually means you’re taking a loss. Tou need to take the L if you actually wanna get rid of any of this stuff dood. Yoire gona either lose some money and get some quick cash or get no money and keep your stuff. Nobody is jumping to buy very slightly discounted stuff. Esp if that stuff is damaged or whatever, the price needs to reflect that. It needs to leave room to cover the cost of repair and then still have room for it to have been a good deal then someone will feel good about buying this (crap). Facebook probably is the best place for this shit tho man, some people there are friggin dumb. I should kno, I’m one of em.


Maybe try taking a loss :joy: oh just saw someone beat me to the punch… I hope it was Hawaiian and I hope it was delicious.


We are the meme police, and we are coming for you. :policeman:


My previous thread was closed automatically.