I'm done for now [i'm not dying or anything]

Sorry for not being around much, I’ve been sorting out some things. I’ve got a lot of unread email and messages and I’m going to get through all of that soon enough. I owe a couple of dudes some work and I’m finishing that up now, but I have some things to take care of before I can get back into all the communications.

The time has come. I’m just burned out, to the point of suffering mental health issues, so i’m taking the business out of my passion. I’m shutting the shop down and instead will focus on my family and the fun part of esk8, riding and working on my personal boards and hanging out with people on and off the forum. I’ll definitely be sticking around to be present in the community, I just won’t be fixing people’s boards or building things for people or dealing with customers or anything like that because I can’t do it anymore, i just hate it at this point. Too much lost sleep, too much wheeling and dealing and trying to make ends meet and generally just bullshit.

The Superflux GTSs are gone, which is awesome.

I have five unbuilt boards and I’m going to build them out and keep them. I may or may not unload a bunch of other shit I have, I haven’t decided. I have a fuckload of random shit. Maybe I’ll keep it all.

Don’t worry about the forum. Esk8 won’t be paying for it anymore, but I’ll keep it running. Maybe some vendors would like to step up on patreon since they’re making mad cash from people here, but obviously anything anyone could throw in would help tremendously. I really would prefer it to stay ad free.

Thanks for understanding. It’s been rad and sad, way too wild. It’s time to play more Throw Throw Burrito and Mine Craft Dungeons with my siren head plushie cuddling 7 year old who grew up thinking i’m a crazy troll who lives in the garage that mama commands to take out the recycling. I also want to get back into music. So much missed time. It ends now.

love you guys. i’ll be around.


Glad you’re prioritizing your own well being, recognizing burnout isn’t easy.

Hope to see you again at CarvePDX next year all the same!


Godspeed in your journey. Enjoy the moments that go by so fast.


Nothing is more important than your health and family. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. A thousand thank you’s for this amazing place. Be well.


Damon, don’t do us like that with such a title.

I feared the worst.

Sad to see such an OG vendor close it’s doors but it is definitely for the better if the most important thing - life, actively deteriorates.

I wish you and your family the best.

Maybe you’ll eventually have the time to draw some dicks while riding and join the gps dick gang.


health and family comes first, everything else comes second.

wish u all the best, and please do show up once in awhile for…anything really, preferably drawing dicks or something lol

we can’t thank you enought for providing this platform for us to dick around


Good luck with everything you pursue, and thanks for everything youve done for this community. Ill still bother you to ride again soon enough, im sure :slight_smile:



Double yes.

I’m bringing the fam down with me next time. My 9 year old would love to throw down some burrito.


Good on you Damon, take care of you and the family and draw some GPS dicks. That’s what life’s all about, peace and love


Thanks for the space. Learned so much here. Will contribute more when I can. Good luck bro and take care of yourself and your fam first, always.


Congratulations. Re-prioritizing things. Taking inventory. New path. All good wisdom points as you just turned 61. :slight_smile: I hope to have plenty of rides with you. I look forward to seeing your personal builds. Hoping to see some some FAT THANE. I hope you keep your status as MASTER AMBASSADOR to ESK8. Best to you. JC @TAMPAESK8


It was great to meet my flux twin at CarvePDX. Much respect for being willing to make the hard decisions.

Don’t worry about this place. There will always be another forum, another hobby and another business. You’ve only got one family, and it sounds like they need you right now.


Always the hard choice of when the right time take a brake befor you come to dipise the thing you use to love. Sounds as tho your need the freedom for living for you passions of family, ESK8 and mine craft. Wish you the best. thanks for every thing you done and people you helped in ESK8. There will always be people hear for you. Hope the new lack of shackles from business gives you the opitunity to be the person you want to be.


Wow! Crazy to see an OG stepping down but it totally makes sense. I still remember back in the day buying focboxes from you lol they’re still in my board

Damon you’ve been such a great inspiration for the whole community, without your contributions over the years I don’t think it would be quite the same.

Hope to meet you at Carve next year! Glad you’re sticking around for the fun part of Esk8, as the winter days are short I only find enough time to record my videos rather than riding, looking forwards to the summer again to have fun riding my boards!


I become a Patreon supporter my man. Hope it helps. Go enjoy life.


Wish you all the best! Take your time its important.


Respect. It takes a lot of self consciousness to admit that.
I wish you all the best :blush:


All good to you Damon!


You did a special thing here friend.
History is written through this forum.
I think all people who agree with me ready put down a Patreon donation. We should just do it more regularly.

PS I can really tell you guys are old by typing “mine_craft” :rofl: it’s one word dammit


Mister Sulu, get ready to fire all our love power on this handsome @longhairedboy on my command…


Wait no that’s not enough… We need more power… We need all of it!

Ah we had to blow a planet out of love for you, you meanie.

Thank you for bringing all of us weirdos together on this forum man, wish I can still have a drink with you someday in the future.
