I'm done for now [i'm not dying or anything]



You won’t regret it, man. You’re doing the right thing. Live and love :muscle: :heart:


Excellent choice my friend. You can never go wrong focusing on the people you love and hobbies you love doing. I’m looking forward to hearing some new songs and perhaps a new stop action video! Just be sure to make some time to sharpen your kitchen knives before @Kai cooks up the next batch of deliciousness :wink:


Get back to work you lazy hippie! Those Evoles aren’t gonna fix themselves. :rofl:

Seriously though, good for you doing what’s best for your health and family. I’ve always loved your work and still want to get my hands on one of your Witchblade decks one day. Your early custom builds were ahead of their time and so amazing and inspiring. But when a hobby you love turns into a job you hate, it’s time to reassess priorities. Hopefully you can get back to just enjoying the hobby and forum, shit posting, and drawing dicks on things like the rest of us. :grin:

I think one sort of silver lining from this pandemic is that it’s brought people’s mental health issues to the surface, and it seems there’s a lot more acceptance and openness about mental health in society in general, which is long overdue, imho.


Listen, you bastard… we need to skate more. and bring that hot assistant.

especially when you’re actively fighting it because you don’t want off the ride yet. i think it really started hitting me hard around january, so i started tapering off by dropping projects and slowing things way down.

preciesly the kind of Very Important Work I’ve been missing out on.

not going anywhere. I will have more time for you animals now, not less. i have dozens of broken boards and a few not even built yet that need to be finished so my friends can ride with me. Next time i throw an esk8 rager, noone will need to bring anything but weed or booze.

you better. we also have to stay on call, lots of broken cats out there.

its on!

where? we need to burn it down. pronto. there can be only one.

I really appreciate that. I’m just really relieved and happy now that I can go to more events and ride more and maybe even do some local group rides when they happen.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m just outside of Orlando. Bring it. If we work hard and beleive in ourselves, we might actually make it out to a trail and ride it instead of just binge drinking and racing tiny dickasaurus rex esk8s

i totally got the gift! i forgot to get back in the group PM and thank you for it but that was very thoughtful to gift me that knife sharpening set. I also found the 50 somebody left on the fridge… naturally it want right back into beer… lol

that’s my goal, man. I just want to be a member of the community and ride and build and mod my own boards and just be happy.

Also, since this is a serious thread that i started, i expect more cat memes. If i don’t get cat memes, i’m selling this forum to the Land Snail factory for a free drop-shit board and a bronze dickasaurus rex.


Us(and you) if you quit skating entirely:


Not likely… :joy:


Where’s the Rona Roller?!?

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Down by the case of Stella where it belongs lol

BTW this two giant black bins are full of ArcBoards, Enertion, and Carvon stuff.

I’m really not getting rid of anything apparently.


The man has a collection of arcboards he uses as wall art.


That’s exactly what I’m talkin’ about.


It’ll just cost you 1 million $ so you can legaly burn it down.

glad you realized what you’ve been missing out on.


Ive briefly known u on the forum, but u have been a rad dude for the time I have known. Its good that known what to prioritize and trust me burnout fucking hits hard. take the time you need there are plently of other peeps on this server who will help out.


Take care of yourself. I have known you to be nothing else but helpful and awesome the time i have spent here. :slight_smile:

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Fuck you and your tidy, organized ESk8/cat repair workspace! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I’m so jealous with rage right meow that I’m gonna go clean my whole garage and my litter boxes just so I can show you up.

(Totally not gonna happen)


yeah, its been pretty rough. But i think the timing is good because i don’t hate esk8 at all yet, just the business. So who knows what might happen next year, but right now i need to work less and fuck off more.

This forum and community as a whole is where i want to do a lot of that fucking off.

but who knows, if the right opportunity came along I might make a career out of it.


Just to be clear, i’m not tearing down my benches or selling off all the shit or burning my decks or quitting esk8 or any of that. esk8 or die. ride every fucking day.

The nitty gritty of what this means is I’ve dropped my shopify down to basic, set inventory to zeros, archived the evolve mod service, removed the links to my contact form, mentioned it on my site, voided all warranties, and left the shop site up as esk8 porn with no products available.

the forum stays, but LHB as a vendor goes. And the irony of telling people I’m no longer a vendor in a vendor thread is not lost on me. Also maybe i can finally have some time to write some articles. And since i have no stake in the market anymore, maybe i can get real for a change instead of playing nice all the damned time because politics.

trampa sucks.
so does torqueboards.

and the next person that gets on my insta telling me to stop using Boas is getting bludgeoned with bent calibers.


Damn. Thanks man. :metal::call_me_hand:

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As a new member it makes total sense to me for you to post this here. A shop going offline is the same category of info as “hey here’s a new vendor”, it’s just been multplied by -1. No sweat.

Live your dream dude, this sounds like good news :+1:


Good for you bro. Have fun!!!

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