Ideas for BOTY 2021 thread

Feels damn good, except when you fall on what you build, shich I do pleeeenty of

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ayyyy shit that’s a really nice donation! I hope it was one of the $99 super specials?

But @abusfullofnuns I’m being dense, what do you mean by the ride what you build category?

I think ship of Theseus should be it’s own category, really like that idea too

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Best out of the year. The BOOTY’s.

Just gonna leave that there.


I would do anything to win a BOOTY award if it came with a trophy.

How about a 3d printed one lol

Or laser cut metal?

a trophy for this would have to be both esk8-related and have a boot or bootie or shoe on it for the namesake.

I vote multi-material.

I’d like to contribute a dino dick to 3 separate winners :joy:


I really want this dino dick!


then win BOTY lmao. there’s no shortcut to dino dick


This dick will be very expensive. But probably worth it. :smiley:

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In reality if I have to pay for shipping abroad I’d only wanna give away 1 lol. I’m not made of money yet.

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Last year we had some VERY generous monetary donations from community members to cover international shipping for prizes. Mad respect to those legends.


Awesome. Who wants to sponsor me shipping dicks across the world :joy:

It would be an honor to have you run that show.


Bringing back some recent memories here.


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definitely, I called my board “Theseus” for the entire past year and a bit until I put the finishing touches on and finally named her properly.

I like the idea of a “most original” or “most unique” category

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for completeness, I feel like we should also have a “DIWHY” category. the shitty DIY and DIWHY threads definitely have some standouts. winner is the strangest or “least normal” setup

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