I owe you all an apology

I just wanna say I appreciate you being here and dealing with the BS and still trying to fulfill orders and refunds.


Thank you guys for putting it up with me. trying to set things straight with everyone…


100% this. The lack of communication hasn’t been great but I want you to pull out of this and pull ahead stronger. I know the pressure must be immense but I applaud you for pushing on


Shit posting aside, I agree with Mike completely.

At least you’re not pulling a @hyperion1 :+1:

suck my fuckin dick Cory


I hope you pull through, I know how fucked up of a situation it is to run a business that’s on the wrong side of the ledger and try to balance the fucker.


I’m late here… can I buy anything?

Is Dave ok?

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hey @Tampaesk8er in case you missed it, mentioned about 2 weeks ago that the site was shutting down to stop taking orders.


:+1:I did missed it, thank you.

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For those of you who want to help out in a different way than buying enclosures:


So I hate to be that guy, but:

Do we still have community members out $$$/orders? (Ie: PayPal frozen)

Is this GoFundMe money going towards repaying them back?

Does that mean we’re having the community pay back the community because someone didn’t deliver product? If so, where did the original $$/parts go?


My assumption is exactly that. First money goes to people in the esk8 community owed money. Should we have a wiki post where people can submit what they are owed for posterity?


"Any proceeds raised here will be used to pay some outstanding debts, to mill new parts and set things back in motion the right way. "

He needs the community to pay the community debts. I’m guessing his paypal account will be frozen until everyone is refunded?

If I didn’t have a $500 kid birthday party bill AND a $450 swimming lesson bill coming up I would totally help quicker.


Does this not sound a bit insane to anyone else that we’re going to such lengths to bend over backwards for someone that’s largely been MIA and had a “fuck it” attitude towards the community for the last year.

Honest question @Psychotiller. This feels odd.

The money in PayPal that is frozen doesn’t magically disappear either. It should be returned to the buyer in time.

I feel like a LOT more transparency might be called for here, but don’t do it on my behalf as I’m not going to be donating out of principle.


Yeah I agree. At this point, I’d tell everyone to “complain” to paypal so paypal refunds everyone’s money quicker out of the frozen accounts.

If you refund everyone with gofund me donations, paypal will just refund everyone by default anyways at the end of their long “investigation”. What are you going to do with all those cases of “double refunds”? Individually track them down and tell them to pay you back?

I don’t feel comfortable asking people donate to help other members of the community. Wait till it all shakes out, and whatever deficit his paypal end up with, have a gofund me for THAT. To support Dave’s personal debt.
Whoever wants to support him can donate at that time. Just don’t like the piggyback off “its for helping out the community members”


Dave got tired of making enclosures again real quick :laughing:


It does feel pretty weird. I guess the question is, is psychotiller a viable business? It seemed to be pretty stable until around the abec11 move. If so, a cash infusion to get things back on track helps everyone. But I’d prefer it came as a loan of some sort? I like Dave, and will likely pitch in a little, but a $10k pass the hat for a business seems weird.

Maybe something like selling 6x3 shooters at cost delivered at some indefinite time in the future?


Honestly, can you really say that? It appears to me that every enclosure that was ordered in the GB was made and delivered. It seems more likely that no more orders have been made, at least that have been made public.

Please also keep in mind that there is a lot that happened behind the scenes that most people don’t know about and Dave is being very classy about not dogging the shit out of the person that caused this. Don’t take my word for it, just putting it out there.

Dave has sent a lot of free and discounted and custom stuff out over the years, has gone way overboard helping people. I think that should be considered as all these judgements fly around.


I think the problem is that he NEEDS Abec11’s facility in order to make his hubs, so Chris probably takes a cut of the profit


I guess Chris’s cut would be part of the cost. I don’t know if the idea works, but if the fund raising was structured kind of like a kickstarter, we fund, and if he succeeds we eventually get some cool stuff (and if he fails we get nothing), I think I’d be happier to help.

Let’s see, at an imaginary $200/set, 50 orders would cover $10k. Then when he’s back on his feet, with enough cash for materials, spend some late nights at the CNC making 50 sets to pay back his loan. Seems fair? But I’m probably being very very naive.