I need help please

So nobody can show it’s not possible. The TB motor stators are also like 30% bigger which means they can take 30% more current at same kv.

The motor winding resistance is also lower as there’s more room for wire and the motor km is therefore better.

Anyone who has any EVIDENCE you can’t put those motors to 100 phase amps should show it.

So nyobody can show it’s nyot possibwe. T-The TB m-motow statows awe awso wike 30% b-biggew which means they can take 30% mowe cuwwent at same kv.

The m-motow winding wesistance is awso wowew as thewe’s mowe w-woom fow wiwe and the boops your nose m-motow km is thewefowe bettew.

Anyonye who has any OwO EVIDENCE you can’t pot those motows to 100 phase amps shouwd show it. runs away


I’ll take that as a no and you can’t post any evidence

Seems you’re still upset about something. Anything I can do to alleviate your trouble?

Troll? You suggest I’m wrong and I’m just asking for ur evidence. No need to get upset.

I’ww take that as a nyo and you can’t post any OwO evidence

Seems you’we stiww upset looks at you about something. Anything I c-can do t-to awweviate youw twoubwe?!?1

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That’s obviously not evidence either.

That’s obviouswy nyot evidence eithew.

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Up to you. You can listen to someone who has made and tested tons of hub motors at 100 phase amps, or trust those who post nothing but childishness.

If u tell me the kv and winding resistance I can figure the km and we can compare to what I made.


looking at your previous… 5 comments says otherwise

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Do u have the kv and winding resistance? Even if figure the km and compare, which for sure the TB will show better being bigger and allowing more wire, it’s not really the current limitation and the bigger stator can take much more current if the same kv.

where’s your real world evidence it can handle 100A?

As I said the motors I made/sold with almost the same kv can do over 100 phase amp setting no problem and they’re smaller.

They could just try it. It won’t explode. At worst would cog under hardest acceleration close to zero mph so you’d likely not get hurt if it cogged

Dex says they can go up to 16s but i know we are specifically talking amp setting here so maybe thats irrelevent

They can do way more than 16s as long as they don’t physically fly apart and the electrical limitations are in the thousands of volts. The bearing max speed is far faster than 16s.

“sure, let’s completely ignore iron losses which contribute to higher motor temps, along with the erpm limits of escs. Long as the motors can still spin, you’re totally fine
800V battery!”

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Iron losses increase with rpm and that’s fine and doesn’t mean you can’t run higher than 16s.

Esc erpm limits are much higher than you’ll hit with 16s. Vesc6 erpm limit is 150k. With 75kv and 14 pole pairs …75x14 is 1050 erpm per volt at max no-load speed. … so… the max erpm POSSIBLE with that motor and a vesc6 would be 142v, which the vesc 6 can’t do but it could do the erpm

There’s a big difference between “can I do it?” And “can I do it for a long time?”

I am changing the setting on my vesc for my new battery (from 10s4p to 12s3p) and I saw that that I had my battery amp set to 120 amp, which seems very high. (currently using the flipsy mini 6.7)

Try 100 phase amps (motor current) and see what happens. You’ll get great starting torque.
It will get warmer as you’re using more amps but as long as you stay under some unknown temp you’re fine.
Do the motors have a temp sensor and you know what temp the magnet’s Currie point is?

Gotta make sure I’m doing perfect spelling and grammar around here. Ironic as I just taught 12th grade English over the summer

absolutely do not do 100 motor A

i would dooo maybe like

50 (maybe 60)A -30(maybe -45) A on the motor each side and
30A -20A battery

don’t forget to set slow ABS overcurrent to true and in the advanced tab, set the fault timeout to 50ms


I was testing out my new battery and my remote was giving me the weirdest readings. It rode normally, but it did feel a little sluggish. The problem was only happening when I would accelerate (even when there was no weight on the board)