One more thing to add. Empty out both uart ports while you do motor detection because it messes with the values. And even if the values calculated might seem consistent or normal, it doesn’t guarantee that they are the right values.
I had 180A set per motor with bad detection values and whatever I was doing it didn’t go over 140A. Redid detection without anything in the uarts and suddenly the current can actually reach 180A. Bad detection values can also cause overcurrent errors and other issues, so this is important.
I don’t know the reason for it but it definitely does happen. I didn’t have an issue with this on my DV6 or first batch DV4S, or at least didn’t see a sign suggesting something is bad. But David from makerx said that it happens on all his escs. I have a newer DV4S too but I have yet to set that one up, will be interesting to see if it also does this.