I see many headlamps, with good light in front, but I have not seen any that have a backwards facing light, red, to make a total package. It would be highly visible, and would keep junk from being mounted.
WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much riggamorroll, when I rarely go at night, and so no mount is preferrable, and it is pocketable.
Look man, I am starting to think this is a real viable product. For all those that bought stock boards, and want to go out at night. But don’t want to hard mount things that will compromise performance.
I envision a headband. Flexy, that has a rear mounted, and front mounted pods. So you could fit in a pocket. Maybe even interface with a powerbank, so to make the headgear even more minimalist.
This could be used on bikes, esk8s, one wheels, JUST walking, any and all reasons, including if you are out at night, in rural area, without streetlights.
How about like, a fanny pack tail light?
A headlamp just doesn’t have vibes man.
They have helmet mounted stuff, but nothing for us idiots that consider riding slow without helmets.
That actually works, split it up in two different areas.
So, there are headlamps with retroreflective bands.
And for good reason.
This is really just a small step up from that.
Seems reasonable, especially since head height gives better visibility a further distance away.
A light ribbon might be sufficient instead of a lamp design, and allow it to work with a headlamp band easier.
The biggest complexity would be, how do you tap into power from the headlamp?
I know some headlamps put the lamp in front, and the battery in back.
That’s probably the best starting point.
Maybe a custom/customized battery pack for an existing headlamp product?
Am I missing something here… dont shredlights make helmet mounts?
My helmet has a rwd tail light and a forward facing light…
Theres backpacks with led lights… a stack of options out there for visibility really.
I have this guy wired onto my helmet but the rear red light on the battery pack could be brighter honestly.
Lazyrolling was selling cuffs with lights on them a few years back.
Iam using Ledlenser MH3. This head lamp have also clip to use it on jeans. And here is holder for helmet:
That looks awesome!
Thanx man. But it is truth that with dark night with this headlamp Iam ride max40km/h . To ride faster need to have more light . But like that it is lightweight and small .
Have this one, it has a big battery (2x18650) with a red beackwawrds targeted light placed on the backof the head and an array of different LEDS in front, which can be put in different modes. Its really bright and I love it for household stuff, e.g. kitchen sink I bought it for esk8 originally but never had to use it.
THe headstrap is a bit tricky but all in all its a great value for the money
I found this. Thought about the chest back one, but DUH, you are sideways on a board. It has a focus, to go wide or narrow. And can adjust downward.
i’m waiting for this to come out to use it as my front light and then i’ll be using a shredlights sl-fx as my rear light. better than having a battery pack on my helmet imo
they also have this one that’s out right now that you can get. there’s also the sl-1000 from shredlights
OK guys, I had my first outing with the headlight. All I can say is WOWOW. The high setting is BRIGHT. The focus allows a wide field. It still is a bit disorienting but that would be far worse with some anemic low mounted builtins. AND, if a car seems not to see you, just raise your head and give them a blindingly obvious reminder. The light fits in a jacket pocket, which you will likely have if you go out knowing it will be dark at return. The tail portion has many patterns with red and blue pulsing dazzling effects. I literally could go FAST and not worry about missing a hazard. This contraption would also work equally as well, with helmet.
Any and all other choices but headlamp, are for being seen, NOT seeing. I have seen the light. And, they are only twenty something. WITH 21700 batts, three, and the high setting can last ten hours.