Hummie hubs Kickstarter

I won’t send anything till I confirm with everyone.

At this point we’re waiting for paul to send these back and had to open up the wire hole. Then wind them all. Then wait for hangers and tires still.

(Paul has drilled all the axles and will send those back with these hubs in a couple days and then I send those axles to China and they cast the hangers in 6-8 weeks. Aend I wrote asking what’s up a couple days ago and no response yet. They’re the weakest link but will get it done eventually)

I haven’t been updating and waiting to finally get these four wound and show them. Then I send them to @linsus and he’s going to design sensors to go with them. Then ill finish building all the motors with hall and temp sensors


Oooh its gonna be sensored now?


for the 6 motor street luge its a must if im going to beat all the motorcycles from the stop light.


Despite things changing it won’t matter and for some reason they’re sending samples again and that should be enough for everyone so we wait for the hangers to be cast. In China things happen on time and should be 6-8 weeks (the axles I sent were held in customs and taxed and they just got them out I believe)
So 8 weeks back to me tops and I ship to u. I actually think this is realistic.


Sounds too good to be true, i’ll add a couple months more in my head so i get more surprised when it appears at my doorstep suddenly :joy:


Literally 70% of the posts on this forum are sneaky Jason hate.

Love it


It’s sad people hold a grudge that long. :person_in_lotus_position:


Pay attention, fervent esk8bro. He never stopped being a scumbag=continued grudge.


Hey John, just looking for an update…how are the hangers coming along?


I have interns! Got them from the school district. Then again so far I expect them to fuck everything up and its not as easy as mcdonalds.

Been stuck in customs for months! I paid an agent to get involved and get them out and should be soon


As far as the hallsensor work goes.
I’m still waiting for the parcel from hummie :slight_smile:
Its taking forever it seems.


Just to clarify: I sent it and he has the tracking and things are just super slow


With my having to buy 540 wheels to get them to make the 83mm centrax again for this Kickstarter (surprise to me) I’m trying to get rid of them. Anyone who wants a set or two please write me and 40$ a set if u bought motors from me or 50$ for everyone else (unless u buy multiple sets). This is a deal on wheels u can’t even get anymore. They were required to be sold at 80-85$ a set retail when u could get them. There used to be a few sets available on Ebay at a greater cost but not even available there anymore I see.

This is the only place in the world I see them available and a fortune!!

Help me help you.

They are grey and unbranded.


John, update?


Waiting for them to finish the hangers

The tires still haven’t been done by Aend yet either. They said would be done in two weeks about 4 months ago, but encouragingly said would done on the 28th of this month maybe a month ago, so will see.

Really the hangers are the wait and I have enough sample tires done for you and everyone on the forum+ already.

(Related to the “mold experiments” above …initially they told me they could cast the splined axles with a multi-part mold and not have any problem but now say there will be a bit of seepage and I’m waiting to see exactly how much will happen so can alter the hub to match)



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You can just get them for $150

I asked dexter to take this down and no response. Maybe a complaint on the forum will make something happen. Unlikely but just clueing people in to what’s what and people ask me about them


:joy: Are these prototypes of the new ones!!!
Lemme at em :dollar: :dollar: :moneybag: :moneybag:

[bad joke]


am hyped bought some unobtanium recently am hyped to run some of these hubs with the unobtanium i bought will be a fun build if i ever get my hands on these.

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Please label jokes as such so I know how I should respond.