Hummie carbon and wood deck group buy

I admire how you just throw your address out there, no fucks given


So many dog rapists out there…
You scare me hummie.


And think one more to Australia I’ll send Monday. Maybe tomorrow


You shipping abroad now?

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If ya pay the big bucks to send I really had to have one


100$ plus shipping if out of USA . U have to send $200 friends and fam to me and I’ll reimburse the remainder of the 100$ for shipping after sent. Buy two and make the shipping cheaper.


Aww snap just in time for xmas!
I cost alot eh? :wink:
I hate shipping coast to coast for my business…eats my profits lol… Maybe I should just base outta the mid west =P

if you pay me for shipping long distance and send 200$ with the extra hundred where i then give you the remainder after shipping… send it friend and family as otherwise there’s the paypal fee and you will have to pay that at like 10 bucks.

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Boner time! It’s building season just before xmas starts =P

With a 12s6p

And a big Ben case that was ready and waiting…

Thx again looks great… Now to practice my first frit job!


Is that the double stack enclosure?

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Mix the resin well. I have a deck covered in sticky resin n glass . :upside_down_face:

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supposed to be, this is my first time mating all the pieces together…it gets a bit closer with some pressure, and I usually use a solid rubber seal so that should gap everything fine, unless y’all have other opinions about it?

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Are you stagger stacked?

frit color recommendations for presrving the beauty of the CF but adding some pop? opalescent something or other??


yeah, double offset


Nah solid rubber gasket sounds perfect. I have a single stack enclosure and was looking at the double stack and what battery I could fit so this was very helpful. Thanks my dude.



Looks like easily enough room for 4 esc? :slight_smile:

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What’s the ground clearance like with the double stack enclosure?
Is it possible to mount drop through with 100mm wheels and a double stack enclosure or is the single stack a better choice?

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Not what you asked for but single stack with bergmeisters (147 mm) for reference.

I moved my motors up so just don’t worry about that.


100mm drop thru id say single stack only, this is going to be 8" tires and mbs trucks, im wondering the same if i should do drop through or top mount, i dont want crazy clearance nor super low…

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