We noticed you like our nose LEDs, so here they are, for sale!
They’re a plug and play installation if you have a stormcore, just plug it into the vbatt port. Most other VESC based esc’s have a port like this, but you may need a different sized JST connector. Currently only 10s and 12s is supported.
We know you guys like diagrams, so here you go!
Win a free set of these lights!
Design a 3d printable mount that lets users easily install these on their DIY builds. Submit your design as a reply to this topic. Top 3 designs with the most likes will get a free LED kit!
You forgot to mention that these are capable of 0V to 100V standard operation, and all it takes is a firmware flash to make them work with any S-count from 1s to 24s
We’re trying to keep this as open ended as possible. Anything that makes it easier for builders to use these parts counts!
As these LEDs exist now, they are perfectly shaped to fit in our boards, which is dope; but it makes them hard to mount in other boards, which is whack. Lets fix it.
I’m still waiting to see if multiple entries are allowed
Also, @hoytskate I would suggest having a separate thread for the entries, like, “Hoyt Design Contest Entries Only”
That way, it will be very easy to see available designs. I might also suggest that a date is set on which designs can be submitted, so people have equal opportunity to earn likes, and less design influence is spread